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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. Maturin


    Hardly. It's, I-had-high-hopes-for-this-apartment-when-the-two-ladies-showed-up-because-VV-said-they-were-going-to-try-something-different-but-it's-the-same-old-shit speech.
  2. Maturin


    Do you actually love seeing women sat around doing fuck all because there's a guy there in his y-fronts that they barely know? No need to answer mate, I think it's clear what your response would be.
  3. Maturin


    He needs to leave and stop pussy blocking, the creepy little fucker.
  4. Maturin


    She is up and active and very watchable as she dances, unlike the other three beige twats staring at their phones!
  5. Maturin


    Aha, cheers Jabb
  6. Maturin


    So is she, on the right, Mona then? Where has the hot interesting girl gone and why is that bloke just staying in bed all day?
  7. Maturin


    Yep and what function can he possibly have apart from the once or twice a week when he has sex? He'll just be a pussy blocker all of the other times. Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.
  8. Maturin


    We'll agree to disagree on that. They've got some interesting women, it's not like it'll be the shitfest that goes on in Barcelona. Anyway, after VV's message about change etc I was hoping for something new but they are still just recylcing the list.
  9. Maturin


    Ah for fuck's sake, why has there always got to be a guy in the apartments. Basically nothing has changed then.
  10. Maturin


    Ha, that China stat is nuts. I wonder why that is like that?
  11. Maturin


    Ah really? :( For me Mona is perfect. Great body, great dancer and seems like a decent person. If she's not gonna be there for long then I'll be disappointed
  12. Maturin


    Looks like she's leaving, hopefully that means it is naked stretchy time! NST!
  13. Maturin


    If only she was doing allthis stretching whilst naked tho!
  14. Maturin


    Mona has got some seriously sweet dance moves.
  15. Oh, nowhere, it's why I asked. There is only one named person, Mona and the other room is called Guest. So I'm wondering if it is just for Mona.
  16. That's a great idea, I'd prefer a single apartment but two single girls can work too. Especially Zoe and this new girl (if it is she from Tver), they are both really hot.
  17. Is it too good to be true, finally a single girl apartment??! Nice work VV, you might have a new subscriber here in a few weeks if this goes well!
  18. Ah don't worry about it, it's not like she's actually going to do anything sexy. I predict that she'll sit on the sfa for 5 miutes, start playing with her pussy and then suddenly get up and do something completely different - I'm thinking she's been told that that's ok by RLC because that's all she does.
  19. There's a big, big gap between what you're paying and expecting to get and what is delivered. In my book that's a scam.
  20. I'm starting to think all these sites are pretty much a scam. What do you actually got for what you pay for? It's bullshit and they are raking in tons of cash every month. Jesus Christ!
  21. Why I think so many people are pissed off is the current state of the participants that we watch. What happened last night was another case of seeing that something interesting might finally happen and then something happens to stop it. Across all the 30 or so cameras of the 3 main sites there are only 5 maybe 6 tenants who regularly do anything interesting. People are cottoning on to this fact and getting fucked off with paying for something only to be more disappointed than not.
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