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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. Nah, shes fucked as well and chewing her lips, pretty funny!! Let's hope it stays funny and he doesn't go off on one!
  2. He went out on the balcony and crouched down so the sofa blocked what he was doing. Now he's back and hyper and gurning like a fool. She seems pretty normal although they were both blowing their nose. Dunno what it is that he does, really shit speed perhaps? Who knows what they get in Eastern Europe?
  3. In my opinion also. It's been a number of days since his last drug binge, perhaps you haven't seen it when he's on them, he looks very obviously high as fuck. It all kicked off on here about a day or so after his last session and I believe he was on a big comedown and subject to mood swings. SInce then the drugs appear to be out of his system and he's been alright to her, although you can still see the residual fear in her when he moves suddenly. I'm not excusing his behaviour that day, he was a 'kin prick and shoud think seriously about packing drugs in if that's the result. To be fair he's an absolutely shit drug taker, doing a load of MDMA or GHB and sitting in front of the TV or whacking himself off all day? Get a life mate!! :D
  4. I've never seen him strike her but others say they have. It is obvious that he's controlling and threating towards her. I've seen him be verbally abusive which is almost as bad, until the point she started crying, I recorded that as evidence.
  5. Precisley. In some ways I hope we are able to record it because then he will be prosecuted and she can get free of him. If they are just thrown out then this pattern will continue but in private with no hope for her.
  6. I suggest you all do the same as 69pilot, I'm in Europe so it will be easier for me to process it if I miss it and you record. Try Bandicam recorder, it's simple to use and will record 10 minutes with the free version. Just make sure that you have checked the option to have it record sound.
  7. I've got my record button ready, if I see one instance of violence then I'm reporting it straight to the Czech police. Fuck sending it to or getting RLC involved.
  8. It's a control thing isn't it. When she is not in the mood he's pretty aggresive then, as in now, when she wants it he acts uninterested. What a chump!
  9. It's about time RLC started getting some female only apartments. The vast majority of males in this project are just dead weight, mood killers, masturbation spoilers or at worst violent. It might not be for everyone but I find Julia very attractive and could watch her all day if she had her own apartment. RLC, we know you're reading, get some female only digs and I and I think many others will resub!
  10. Shes' taking lots of selfies lately, I hope it's for Tindr or some other dating app and she's gonna leave this junkie.
  11. I can and I will contact the Czech police, I know exactly how to do it and have friends that live there. Fuck RLC then if they are actually covering this up. Can you not jst take a screenshot and remove the identifiers to you and send it to me, other people do this fine when they are posting photos from all the other apartments. PCN, if you've not got the recording and they have hidden the evidence then ze81 has recordings. From the thumbnails it looks like this wanker has literally been jerking himself off all day not caring, he deserves to go down.
  12. Report it to the local police then because it doesn't seem like RLC are doing anything about it.
  13. My freeview just ended, I guess there is some kind of total per 24 hours you can watch, I had 4 hours worth last night. If you are watching them then I suggest you record it if he's violent and send it to the local authorities instead of pissing your pants over your subscription. Make a difference. Failing that, send it to me and I'll 'kin do it.
  14. Ok he's back now and I'll be watching for the next 4 hours or until my freeview runs out. If there is any domestic abuse I'll report it to the autohorities instead of whining about possibly losing my subscription whilst a man is beating a woman.
  15. Quit sticking your nose in to where you aren't doing any good mate. Asking for pictures? FUck off you nonce, domestic violence is potentially being commited and either: 1) RLC know about it and aren't doing anything, in which case I'll fucking report it myself, or, 2) There is nothing fucking happening. Get yourself over to back Barca 1, I'm sure there's a body painting party that you're missing, you aint doing any good here.
  16. He was acting like a prick yes, indeed there were a few times through the evening when he moved quickly and she seemed to recoil but I stand by what I said - I was watching them from about 11 until 3, at least from after she masturbated because I was ready to record if she went again. Unless what you describe happened in the moments I looked away or refreshed the screen, minutes, then everything was back to normal when I returned then I don't know what else to tell you.
  17. Just some advice, if someone continues to post stuff which you have seen no evidence of, don't believe them until there is proof. If people afraid of losing their accounts then why do we have so many pictures and videos still posted in every other forum? If this dude is making it up then I have seen no evidence to the contray AND I was watching live at the same time - she went to bed at 3.07 there was no grabbing, no violence - then every thing is fucking wrong with him. Simple really, post a fucking picture of it as proof or shut the fuck up. Also violence is unusual on RLC. There was that Russian guy literally beating his girlfriend on the bed and they were binned. Also the Spanish couple formerly of Des. and Raul's, she went for him with a knife = binned by RLC. In both cases people posted photos and wrote many words projecting their outrage. Are you telling me that RLC cannot go through their own video streams and bin this wanker? P.S. no one fucking asked you.
  18. Well, I turned off the stream at 3.07, that's when she went to bed. They had hardly spoken all night. He was obviously pissed off because he was on drugs and wanted sex but she wasn't interested. He was a dick about but didn't hit her up until the point that she went to bed and I turned it off. If it happened after I swtiched off then I apologise but really, you should post a screenshot - or anyone else with replay should. He can't be allowed to get away with that if it's true.
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