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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. The fuck is worng with you? I was watching last night right up until she went to bed and there was no violence. He was being a dick but none of what you've written. So come on then post the video to prove it. RLC read this forum and the kicked out a couple once when the guy was violent and it lit up the forums here, so if this is going on then post evidence for them to take action.
  2. Are they dead??? Last time I saw them was nearly 24 hours ago and they were getting high on that bottle of poppers or whatever Eastern European designer drug is in the little bottle on the table. Then they went to the bedroom and there's been no sign, as in things being moved around the apartment, since then. Has anyone seen them since about 22 hours ago??!
  3. I think you know the answer to that, as do I but I'll leave the floor open to the deniers so that they can insult you personally for even asking, call the majority of the scientific communtiy (that don't have their wages paid by big oil) phonies, repeat what Fox News wants them to repeat and generally get off on each other's ignorance! ;)
  4. Hey, I've been searching for a program like this for a while and have been running it for the last week. It absolutely works and is a FIrefox Add-on - so it's not some bloaty adware written by a scriptkiddie that will infect your computer. To get it, do a google search for TabCinema, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tabcinema/ Click install, you'll probably have to restart your browser. When you do you'll have a square blue button in the top left near the menu bars. Click this while watching RLC and the image will expand to fit the page, then press F11, to go to fullscreen and the image will fill your entire screen. It's not a bad quality stretched video of the original, it wll be the same quality as you'd get from being a paying member. Ceck it out and let me know if you have any questions but it really is that easy. Regards
  5. Ah ok. I use firefox with the addon, NoScript, it doesn't allow any script to run unless I ok them so I seem to be ok. Guess that's a topic for another thread though.
  6. Can you explain to me why the RLCamvid link has been flagged as a spam link? That site has loads of rlc videos on it.
  7. Eh? It was in response to the OP. He asked for it and no one provided. Edit - I've just seen that this is probably for the Apt 2 orgy not Masha n Sasha so it's in the wrong thread, doh!
  8. The EU isn't a nation and the same countries that are part of it will continue to exist and work together if/when it does collapse. I'm loving how Trump supporters - and the obvious fact that that support demonstrates that they don't know how the world works - are lecturing on the intricacies of the EU with its 28 member states that don't equivocate in any way with the States of the US. Are you trying to deflect attention away from the very real possibility that states such as California will seek to scede from the US once Trump starts pushing his idiotic climate change denying agenda? Europe won't surrender to anything - as is what usually happens, when it goes to shit here we drag the whole world down with us, every time. That's what you should be afraid of. Who on this side of the pond would give a shit when/if California fights for independence? But when/if your European chums start fighting then we're going to make sure the rest of the world burns with us - now that is influence that the US has never had and is desperate for, it'll be time to get schooled soon enough!!!
  9. Here you go: (SPAM Link Removed) Get your ad blockers running tho, this site is pop up city.
  10. Try with a link from your history, not just realifecam.com e.g. let me know if when you click on this link to leoras apartment, does it work? http://reallifecam.com/en/view/03_1 Works for me, no login screen
  11. I just tried that on RLC but the girls are still speaking in Russian
  12. Thanks for the videos Sigfried. What software do you use, I can probably give you some tips about recording with sound.
  13. Spectrum ZX I thought this thing was the last word in future tech and it would be highly unlikely that a more powerful machine would ever be built for home use. About 10-15 years later I remember having a conversation with a colleague who told me that PCs were starting to be shipped with 2 gigabytes of RAM and I told him that was nonsense and there was no way that kind of memory would ever be neccessary! Today the machine I'm writing this on his 6 gigs of ram for just the graphics card - 16gbs system RAM :P
  14. Wasn't there someone previously called Milena? She wsa a nasty piece of work, divisive and horrible to I think it was Kami, turned the other flatmate against her too. She used to turn to the camera and flick us the finger, hope its not that bint.
  15. You just need to rightclick on the first file "Crazy Night With Lesbian Essence 2016-09-14.part01" and click extract - this will then extract all the other files in sequence. Thanks Anti Zionist!
  16. You just need to rightclick on the first file "Crazy Night With Lesbian Essence 2016-09-14.part01" and click extract - this will then extract all the other files in sequence. Thanks Anti Zionist!
  17. Hello, was this thread created by you? If not then maybe you can get together with this guy. http://stream-recorder.com/forum/recording-reallifecam-com-t22383.html
  18. (And that includes all the lovely dovey post-creampie cuddles as well!) :D
  19. I hope she's not trying to get pregnant with him. I've never seen a women who is more deserving of a totally raw fuck than Leora. If she has a kid with Paul then, unless she's getting some on the side and risking an unstable family , she's never gonna get properly laid. Leora, hit me up, I got what you need and can travel! :p
  20. The mouse was set to clicklock and kept fucking me over.
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