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Everything posted by purplewrap

  1. Nice cap! 😍πŸ”₯ Is Sasha wearing some duoballs (or similar) here?
  2. A new lesbianπŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘© couple? 😍
  3. 😍 😘 πŸ”₯ (from a little while ago)
  4. 😍 😘 πŸ”₯ (from a little while ago)
  5. Nice one πŸ˜€ πŸ‘ 2 girls and a strap-on is πŸ”₯
  6. From a little while ago... 😍 😘
  7. This is some funny stuff, do you write for SNL? Takes one to know one, right? So hilarious that you think that to watch live someone doing a douche is somewhat different to someone seeing it in a video on this forum. Here's a clue it amounts to the same thing, it is being seen by those that are either members or those here that are not so lucky. Both parties are watching Apologies for not spelling it out for you. Why not record for your own pleasure? Or request a video for the Archives for all to enjoy? Think that is rather different. Where in my post did I say the video was an instuctional video on what/how to do a douche? but you are right there is a thing called google but there is also a thing called intrigue where someone can see the video and do a little research on "whatever web browser" what Roberta was doing. Well, with all due respect, this is what you wrote earlier: plus I think that it could give someone the idea of how to prepare for anal if they wanted to start that doesn't know what to do. What do you call this then? I mean, do you think it's more likely that some girl is going to read all these pages here, just to come across your video on "how to prepare" for anal play? Or just talk to a close friend? Or even just google it? Talk about being hilarious 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 Do you want to make up your mind in one sentance you say " I must admit I haven't seen many VH videos on the Forum" then in the last sentance you want the videos mainly for archives. I thought it was quite easy to understand...but perhaps not. As far as I have understood it, hardly anyone posts any VH videos on the VH Forum because the VH Archives just simply put are that great. Additionally, I was under the impression that if you see something - as a VH Member - you can request a video to be made for the Archives. Seems to be working really well! You've said your stuff and I've said mine. All done and no bombs dropped. Agree to disagree. Story ends.
  8. Sorry but you seem to think that me posting a video was the issue 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 And you don't??? C'mon man.... everything was fine before you shared that video, and after, the cam was changed. Yeah, sure... nothing to do with your video πŸ˜‚ Now you have referred to putting the cam back to it's original placement which I find a hilarious statement in that you condemn me for posting a video yet you are happy for to see the same thing live IMO is ridiculous to say the least. Nothing wrong with posting videos per se I guess, although I must admit I haven't seen many VH videos on the Forum when they (VH) have sooooooooo many videos available in their Archive Moments. It was more about the content of the video and the upset it caused. I must admit I fail to see why my comment is so funny to you. Roberta's flat - or more specifically - her bathroom cam was unique on VH because it didn't have that extremely unattractive black box and allowed you to see quite a bit. I've shared quite a few caps here on the Forum - whenever I manage to get some time in between crazy shifts. Now, let me ask you this... Do you think this is the first time Roberta used a douche? No? Absolutely right! I've seen her do it before. Did I feel the need to share that in some caps? No. Why? Well, to be perfectly honest with you, I think it is a privilege to be able to watch something as intimate as that! If there are people out there that enjoy it, why not let them enjoy it in their own private time? But, please, be a member of the site and help running it so you can enjoy watching whatever tickles your fancy....?! plus I think that it could give someone the idea of how to prepare for anal if they wanted to start that doesn't know what to do You use words like hilarious and ridiculous about me... did you actually read what you wrote here?!?!? 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 Do I need to say anything more?!? πŸ˜‚ I mean, all the girls on VH live with their phone in their hand! Like they wouldn't just google it? Or talk to each other? No, lets watch this little video here to teach us what to do. Yeah man πŸ‘ Now I am of the belief that if that wasn't meant to be seen then they should either have something in place or not do it or hide i.e the black box or move the camera to where it is now or for to find a hidden area that isn't covered by cams otherwise it is classed as being acceptable for folk to see, capture and post (as long it is within the rules of CC). You know what? I actually agree and disagree with you here. If you don't anything caught on camera, don't do it. Simple. Covering up and/or hiding tend to cause a lot issues amongst many of the Forum members. Besides, if you do show more things/stuff than others, that is a way to increase your viewing numbers. But.... I don't think every single thing need to be posted/shared. Some informative caps, ok...but videos, maybe not so. Maybe keep them for the Archives? πŸ––
  9. Sorry mate, it hurts me to say this, but you are definitely wrong on this one. Please have a look on page 10, and you'll see what I mean. The bloke has removed the video now, but you can clearly see the imprint of it in Roberta's reply. Having said that, I'm not going to speculate on how many watched that video. All I can say with certainty is that at least one person watched it, and she was not amused at all. πŸ––
  10. Nah, I still don't believe it. Please remeber that Roberta threatend to close with the shower curtain to prevent anyone seeing this. Until someone told her to move the camera angle. Listen, Im not interested in any argument here 😊 You believe what you believe, and I will do the same. If the change made it better for you, then that's great for you. It did the oposite for me, so I'm moving along. πŸ––
  11. Niet, I don't believe that for a second! This particular cam was excellent for months! Hell, probably since the flat went online! The camera angle only changed because one person posted a video of Roberta perforing a cleansing douche. If he kept said video to himself, we wouldn't be having this conversation. And those big black squares are extremely unappealing πŸ‘Ž
  12. Sorry, but I disagree. The way the cam was before is much better. Perhaps it's just a preference of what people want to see in their viewing window....?!?! In case you are wondering... no, scat is NOT my thing! But I do enjoy other things. But there you go.... one man's loss is another man's gain. πŸ––
  13. Too bad for those who watch this flat 🀐 For me, when things change for the worse, I find a new flat to support - if possible/available. Shame really, as i did like this flat πŸ˜•
  14. Thank you kindly golfer, much appreciated 😎 Oh no 😒 For me: This apartment had one of the best bathroom cams on VH, but not anymore. Talk about going from hero to zero in a blink of an eye. What a shame ☹️ Oh well, c'est la vie. No more live watching of this flat from me. Probably no timeline watching either 🀐
  15. Same here. In the end I didn't even bother with watching the timeline...lol 🀣 Has to be one of the biggest fiascos for VH! πŸ‘
  16. Happy to see the girlsπŸ‘­πŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘© are back 😁
  17. Can anyone show a cap of the new camera angle please?
  18. Sleeping like that is one thing... a quick wank is completely different lol 🀣 Just had a look now and there is a sheet on the bed, so all good...? 😊
  19. Night time fun.... Roberta😍 riding with a butt plug...wow😘
  20. A quick afternoon wank…. πŸ˜‰
  21. Mmmmmmm….yeah baby!!….you sure know how to ride... 😁😘
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