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Everything posted by Houlii

  1. Sia and her BF could be a good resource for socializing..I'm sure he has buddies and sh has friends who party..could be interesting. I think Em puts up with Sid because it's easy and familiar..hope she doesn't fall for all this tonight..we'll see
  2. Such a show by Sid tonight..do you really think he's leaving? Maybe up for an Emmy award..
  3. Have fun..let us know if you need help with any problems over there..haha😂
  4. I would hope both Sid and Bob move on and give Em a shot at a clean start..
  5. I'm obviously looking at it from a different perspective than they are..Bottom line is this project may be too much for any of them at their age or maturity..I agree especially Sid needs to go sit in his parents basement and play computer games and have a girl friend that comes over from time to time until he grows up..everyone wins
  6. that sucks..glad they had a place to land til things changed..That clears up alot Jab..thx
  7. I think the way they have it set up is correct..Put Em there on her own and let the boys come over as she wants them to. Someday maybe one of them will grow up and she can have a meaningful relationship as a partner. She needs to deal alone with her personal feelings for both and see how things come out. I hope she doesn't pull Sid back in to the apartment and put them right back where they started..Just my opinion..
  8. Thanks Pete. nice to chat with the residence sometimes especially since very few speak the language. Sorry to see you both got thrown into this but I'm sure your patience is gonna bring a good place for you both..you and Lexy rock..
  9. I think if it makes Em happy to have 2 intimate relationships it is well withing her right. As long as she is honest with both it is in their court to accept it or not. She is obviously having to get something from both because either of them have the ability to be a complete boyfriend. Marriage is different.
  10. my reference was post 4 some..seldom watched the apt before that..agree if it's a monogamous relationship and one sneaks sex then it's dishonest and cheating..the 4 some smashed that so it's a misunderstanding. I think we agree..
  11. Thought I'd bring this over to Em and Sids page.. Sid never wanted to share Em in the first place. She voluntarily shared herself behind his back. Need to go back to the original 4 some tapes..Respectively disagree..He started it with Bob that day.. They together were taking pantie shots of the two girls, graduated to naked pictures..then he put Em's hand on Bob's dick and went after Sia..She experienced what sex should be with Bob and Sid just couldn't stop it.. They are not married, this is not cheating. Em has feelings for both Sid and Bob now. Sid needs to deal with it or leave..Just my opinion..
  12. We probably need to take this discussion to Em"s apt..lol
  13. Case in point Em and Sid..Just supporting your view..
  14. A bunch of other apt's on here..not gonna contribute to that..Happy surfing sid..
  15. yep..got a free place to stay..guess he bluffed leaving..got his bluff called..back like he never left..
  16. Sid is off the res list..Em is not into him..got to choose EM or sid..one has to go..I know my vote..
  17. It's hard to show you belong in an apartment when they throw people you are not necessary friends with who sit around naked in the living room.. Lexy and Pete are great but I think if they had not arrived the EM party would have remained here..Sid had to go but the problem is gone but I'm not sure this was a good replacement..Sia would have been a better choice for a room mate..Maybe they can open one up with the two girls there..let the boys visit..just a suggestion..
  18. Foxy is hot as hell and could have any Female that walk through the door.. This girl seems nice and she's pretty but I wouldn't say she tries to be hot. I don't think I've seen Foxy equally attracted to any one else like she is to her..Kind of an odd pairing but the are happy when they're together..good for them..
  19. I bet they are monogamous.. Sia seems to have a grip on him..
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