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Everything posted by Houlii

  1. I'd love to see Kira with her new found hetro skills go into a 3 some with the ex and foxy..would make my day.
  2. At first I thought the ex was the guy from last night..didn't make sense then.. This guy looks more like someone she would be with..same tats too.
  3. George is wanting his face on her other shoulder..not gonna happen..I think this guy is the ex on the other one..not the guy last night. looks like the same a little more hair he must have grown in prison..wish I spoke the language..haha
  4. Dating Jesus,,looks a little more her type..on the hetro side of her..
  5. was a before and after shot of her ex..he seems to have recovered
  6. no don't think the wild man did..that was really the only upsetting episode for me..as long as otto hangs in there with her she should be fine..Like I said before just a little too much sharing for me..Friends are good stranger is something else..guess that's not my world either..
  7. relieved for Lola..came in at the very end..Don't remember the other strangers wearing any..good they are now
  8. If I was at the door I'd be selling condoms, crazy no protection..
  9. only thing left to say is "will that be visa or cash"..lol
  10. Kinda think there is some salt being rubbed into someone's wounds..Foxy and Kira took off to the bedroom with the ex standing there..just a guess..
  11. Somebody pick me up off the floor..Can't even visualize her married to a guy..damn.. talk about a change of season..he looks so straight..and conservative..I like her better the way she is now..hate to see her to go back..oh well
  12. nothing like the other guy before..game of cards. gay and straight oral..got to plug in Lola from behind and came really quick..actually kind of mundane..popped back in at the end..More interested in Hannah..
  13. .I totally agree..I wish she had her own place.. I could even tolerate her old man..
  14. The service seems a bit weird to me and a little too sharing of my girl, but they stuck together as a team..got the ologard off and off he went..
  15. Disclaimer for the cameras.. I'm glad Hanna is in the living room incase Otto passes out again.. I'm worried for Lola..last time she got to finish the contract alone.. I'm sure this will be better..Otto doesn't seem drunk like before.
  16. otto wants to take it in the b hole..fine..just don't get the girls obligated..otto's warning him about the cams..
  17. This is where it would be good to understand the Language.. looks like a contract...for tonight?
  18. Makes sense.. since we borrowed your language some 200 plus years ago lol..I can understand both usually but sometimes you guys talk funny..haha Probably the same in Russia and Ukrainian. could be variations to make it their own..
  19. lol Not to me I'm US.. the Translator treats them like 2 different languages though..Maybe Groovy could weigh in on this..Thanks
  20. Is Ella speaking russian? I only tried a translator on Stella's apt..They are Ukrainian I think.
  21. Thanks..I think you're right..just seems to be noise to the app..Is this site available or blacked out in Russia? Seems we should have more members talking about what they hear..
  22. Groomy seems to be the only one on this site that has the insite because of the language barrier. Too bad..Tried a verbal language interpreter app on my phone but it wasn't able to pick it up..So I guess we just speculate..
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