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Everything posted by Houlii

  1. Maybe the'll make Lars sign a waiver..No telling where all those bones have been..Only ones seem to be near that pussy is Lars and the other couple..
  2. Back again..Maybe Issac will let him fuck Ella tonight.. God knows Lars can't find his own girlfriend.
  3. It's a mystery to me..Where do they go overnight every few days. Maybe they are firefighters on 24 hour shifts. Maybe work all night as a bar keep in the local strip club. Sometimes I think I see her stuff sexy undergarments in her gold backpack and head out the door. Interesting part is she returns with all kinds of characters in tow or wrapped in a blanket and crashes out. Love to know..
  4. I have to agree but I never watch these for any length of time. Probably because I see them off cam and it can be a little overboard. I've experienced some pretty good cams on occasion..I think Ash said it best..nothing like the real thing..
  5. I think they kicked the guys out of there..a little girl power going on there..
  6. you are so right Ash..I can even think of a bunch of next things to it,,but it's in there somewhere..haha
  7. I think this is what they had in mind when they got this place..Residence and friends can relax and have a good time relaxing in the living room.
  8. I guess you have to take into consideration the guys win because they can sit with their VR glasses on with the sensation these girls are doing this just for them..The girls get the sensation every time they wag their tail money falls out of the sky.. it's a win win situation for all. There are many desperate people out there that don't have the benefit of someone like your avatar kneeling in front of them.. for a few bucks they can..life can be good..
  9. Must say I like Dasha much better without the dreads
  10. well they've had a couple shots at it.. even today ..I notice sasha shows nothing but affection and caressing before and after sex.. I also notice there is very little interaction between any of them during the day. no touching and almost no conversation..kinda strange
  11. He's eating her alive..haha..wonder why they can't bring Masha into all this..
  12. I hate to see Stephen has digressed into a bonified Gamer. He seems to be checked out and mainly on the computer all day and night. He looks a little Gaunt as a result of his recluse. Hope he finds something to do that will help him out of it..It's kind of a dysfunctional project and it doesn't help Gargamil has set up shop in the living room in that we don't get the girls free to roam and lounge unclothed with him there..although I'm sure he'd love it..he's an ok friend .but I think he creeps them out a bit.
  13. I wonder that Stella maybe has a friend or family in the area that she occasionally takes the night off from this madness and sleeps there..I would.
  14. other than the last guests, I thought you all threw a great party..
  15. There are cameras here. hard core..if you want to play with the big boys it's all here.. If you want to hide in the dark with your gf.. go find a private room..simple..
  16. I'm sure he's a money man..they'll find something//
  17. how do you make a ticket they just did it again
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