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Everything posted by upndown

  1. Oh No!! Jitka is lying under the Boner Breaker Blanket! I hope the curse doesn't pass to her :o :o :o
  2. The three bottles of wine I can see making a difference. I'm not sure I totally agree with the stage fright/camera thing. Remember, he is not seeing what we see. To him, the place is in total darkness, and he is under cover. Add to that the excitement of the first date (if that is what it was), the uninhibiting effects of alcohol, and you should have the right erection conditions. :)
  3. No, but it might be a bonus if we have two different guys with two different females, assuming the tattooed guy solves his limp dick problem. :)
  4. All of a sudden there seems to be things happening! Jitka's arrived, a new girl at Nora's.....any more excitement and I'll have to think about waking my dick out of its summer hibernation!!! :-\ :-\
  5. While we're waiting for them to do something, Bogdan is giving Nelly a naked massage in the living room. Thought you might like to know. :) :)
  6. Don't know if this is a false alarm, but they have something set up in the living room!
  7. Must be due to finish kindergarten some time soon now eh Mikey ;D ;D ;D ;D
  8. Something not quite right here. His ass is way to high. So unless he's got a two foot cock, he's not fucking her pussy! ???
  9. Looks like the death throes of a stranded jellyfish ;D ;D
  10. The story tonight is: Its a first date. She likes him but she does not fuck on the first date. She stopped him several times from going to far. She wrapped her legs around him to stop him getting to places she did not want him to go. I do not think she will relent no matter what he says. I feel a bit sorry for him though. I think she lead him on a little to far before stopping him. Good for him that he behaved well and took it without complaint. There's always tomorrow!! :) Since writing this they have both bedded down. I think his persistence may just pay off! ;)
  11. One thing that amazes me is the number of members on CC who never make a single post. There are page after page of people who never contribute to the forum. Perhaps a new direction would encourage them to participate? :-\
  12. I could be wrong about the action. He might just succeed. PPPPPP- Prolonged Pleasant Persuasion Promotes Penial Pleasure!!
  13. I doubt if there will be anything worth recording tonight. This poor guy is struggling to get to second base :) :)
  14. I was enjoying posting bullshit on that tread! ;D ;D
  15. Carla has a air of orange panties on that have a pussy access from the top without having to lift the top elastic! That's what I call appropriate! :) :)
  16. Now for twenty four years I've been living next door to Svetlana, Svetlana? Svetlana? who the fucks Svetlana!
  17. Thanks Hope85. I think Jenny looks really cute when she smiles. :)
  18. Well done StnCld!!! :) Here's to a humorous, enjoyable, entertaining forum rather than some of the nasty crap certain people seem hell bent on laying on us. :) :) P.S. This does not include Snaky or DfCcap. Would you two please stop being nice to each other and resume hostilities! They are one of the hi-lites of the forum ;D ;D
  19. The prick that lived at Dasha's for a while should have been hung, drawn and quartered for the way he treated their cat.
  20. Thanks for the info. Hopefully it is true. You would have thought RLC would have waited for both of them to be there before opening the cams. ???
  21. Last time I did that he burst out out laughing "What a little dick! What's the problem?" he asked when he finally regained his composure. "It's swollen" Apologies, that joke must be older than me ;D
  22. Wrong side of the bed this morning TBG?? At my age (a bit older than you) I don't have time to wait for permissions. :) Totally agree with you though on the individual opinion thing. I confess I never found Rita all that attractive. Always felt she would end up looking a bit like Big Red by the time she's forty. Immediate apologies to euromike but on the bright side it means one less male competitor in his quest for Rita's hand (and all her other bits) ;D
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