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Everything posted by upndown

  1. upndown

    Tver - Split 3

    Mr1010, Could you clarify something for me. Your post at 6.05 today says "I am a lawyer" Your post 46 minutes later says "I am not a lawyer" Please let me know which is true and why the contradiction took place so I can decide whether to sue (or not). :scratchchin: :haha: :haha:
  2. "they are certainly not built like any escort I have ever seen" You obviously haven't seen the ones in Glasgow bookmaster8!! :yikes: :yikes: :lmao:
  3. Seeing the way Irma was with Anna tonight before Ilona broke them up, made me think that Irma will be happy to go further with Anna. When Anna was playing with her nipple, Irma was clearly enjoying it , and put up no objections. I think she wants to make sure that there is no chance of anything sexual with Ilona before she takes the plunge, hopefully soon. My main concern is that Ilona, who always wants to be the centre of attraction, will keep butting in deliberately to stop them. :idk:
  4. Irma's pissed off because she had changed into her reveal bra and unbuttoned her jeans. Her and Anna settled down on the settee and Anna was feeling Irma's tits and carressing her nipple. Then Ilona appeared and ruined the scene. Ilona started excercising Irma gave up and got changed into her glad rags. The Anna started excercising too. Irma sat with a 'Is nobody going to feel my tits look' All Ilona's fault. She really can be very, very annoying. >:(
  5. From what I saw, Irma changed to her easy access bra and unbuttoned her jeans. She and Anna sat on the settee almost as if they had discussed it. They were just getting comfy when Ilona appeared. It seemed to me she deliberately stopped them going further. May well be just my imagination, but I think they were saying they wanted her to go upstairs and she was saying no just carry on. Then Irma seemed to give up and went and got changed. All this could well be my half-fried brain telling me bullshit! Oh, What's absolutely true is that that music is total shit!! :doh: :screwy:
  6. :lmao: :lmao: He picked a page of postings, every one from a premium cam!!! Nothing interesting if you don't like Ilona's pussy or Irma's ass! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: I don't think you're all that bad Stncd. :haha: :haha: :haha:
  7. Great to see Snaky and DfCcap have resumed hostilities! These two take insults to an almost artistic level - but always amusing! :headache: :yes: :haha:
  8. I have to say, for a Saturday, Be it Christmas time or not, I've seen more cheer, than I've seen on here, From a bunch of slothes on pot!! :no: :no: :screwy:
  9. I see your point miscvoyeur. but I think it actually highlights the problem. The question is why? Why does she hide? It's not that she is afraid to show nudity as we've seen She certainly does not appear to have any emotional issues that would require her to have time alone. If it is calls to a boyfriend, I think that even RLC would agree that it is excessive. I think the main thing that rightly annoys people here is the understandable suspicion that things that should be happening on cam, are happening behind closed doors. She is the only one of the girls who has shown absolutely no signs of sexual arousement at all, to my knowledge. :idk:
  10. I don't hold with whining and complaining every time the girls don't do exactly as you would like. However, I think this laundry room thing is going too far. Given the amount of time she wears the same pair of knickers, she sure as fuck doesn't need to spend much time in there! The balcony problem was understandable. When K&K were there, it was summer, and the balcony was an attractive place to spend time. RLC has understood this, hence the new cam. Now I don't know what the inside of the laundry room looks like, but I very much doubt it is being used because it is a more attractive place to be!! At the end of the day, this is not a normal apartment. These girls are here to entertain. This kind of action only serves to annoy and anger the viewers. :no: :no:
  11. I think it is worth remembering that Leora did not masturbate when they first arrived at the old apartment. The frequency that she does it now is a relatively recent behavioural change. I would imagine that at least Irma would do similar in Leora's situation. :yes:
  12. I posted this reply to you a few weeks ago just before you 'disappeared'. Think you must have missed it. Could you please fix this as my wife is now asking questions about who is sending me all the sexy messages. Original post Nov 11th: Oh Mikey, I was just about to message you! I came across this transcript of a phone call to the CC offices: CC: "Good morning, can I help you"? Girl with Russian accent: "I am trying to contact one of your members". CC: "What is it regarding"? G.w.R.a.: "It is following a number of posts where one of your members called euromike69, professes his love for me over and over, including some wonderful poetry" CC: "Ah so you want to contact him"? G.w.R.a: "What!! No fucking way!! I want to contact the stud who wrote the poetry"! CC: "Oh, that will be upndown, but I am sorry, he has had so many sexual requests from females that he cannot answer any more at the moment". G.w.R.a.: "I understand. please tell him I'll wait for him however long it takes"! I'll try and hold her off as long as possible Mikey, but she seems smitten!! :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: ReplyQuoteNotify
  13. I think this highlights the difference between the genuine Irma, and the fake Ilona, who I'm now getting a little pissed off with. Not because she won't do anything further, but because she thinks she can do whatever she wants to the other girls, but they should not have the audacity to touch her in a similar fashion.
  14. Never mind Ozi. At least you still have your PR job at the Tourist Board. :yes: :yes:
  15. A Scottish appraisal (with apologies to Robert Burns) Well we'll ca' it a day', They did nuthin' but play, Jist ma luck, a thooght they might fuck, But they will in ma heid, an' that's aw a need!! :yes:
  16. Notice how Irma's 'bouyancy aids' keep her higher in the water. :yes: :yes:
  17. You can thank me for this! I used my highly developed telepathic skills to send Irma a message to masturbate when she came out of the bath. I told her, to make it easier, she could think of me! My apologies for neglecting to tell her to leave the light on!! :yes: :yes: :screwy: :screwy: :screwy:
  18. I have to say I have my doubts! I'm not going to call you a bare-faced liar immediately, but I will need photographic proof, as my mental image of you Mikey, is somewhat removed from Ilona! :haha: :lmao:
  19. I don't think panties would be allowed if Nora was there. :doh:
  20. Great idea Hope85! Stick her out in the snow for best 'erect nipple' effect. :yes:
  21. I have a problem with the 'RLC told them' theory. If this is true, why would they only act that way for one night? If RLC instructed this, why would they not tell them to continue the theme for two, three or more days? Both RLC and us saw with K&K that the 'will they won't they' senario can be played over a long period during which time RLC would reap the benefits. I certainly think that RLC coached Irma to go in and behave in a manner that would increase membership, but I don't think the 'start stop' was specifically scripted. I think there may be other reasons for the cooling down. Irma certainly had a headache yesterday which would have scuppered any attempt at play. I also think that Ilona may have asked her to slow down a bit and not go too far too soon. This is just my ideas. They no doubt will be proven to be total bullshit!! :scratchchin: :screwy:
  22. I really like Masha and Sasha's antics but I wish they would smile more! They always look so depressed other than when they are having sex. The guests are even worse!! She looks like she is just about to burst into tears half the time. They certainly don't look like a loving couple. I've twice saw him try to touch her in bed and he received a slap and a push away for his trouble. :no:
  23. OK mr1010, Just a couple of points. Regarding being older, I'm in my mid-sixties, and I guarantee you that the large majority of people here are over fifty. Age is an attitude, not a number! Also, at our kind of age, if you still have a good appetite for sex, that is not an obsession - that is a wonderful gift that should be gratefully held in both hands! (but not too tightly)! Good luck!! :yes: :yes:
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