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Everything posted by upndown

  1. I think this is actually round 14,374 to be exact!! (this is October figures to date). RLC must be cursing the fact that this is a standard apartment!
  2. If anybody remembers, in one of the early Star Trek episodes, Kirk and crew met some nasty creatures that killed by sucking all the salt from their victim's body! I think Carla's one of them, but they have evolved from salt to sperm!! :yikes: :yikes: :screwy: :no:
  3. Sorry to disagree, but that's clearly Mario when Carla's finished with him :yikes:
  4. What surprises me, is that it shows the site owners have no conception of what voyeurism is! I cannot see why they would think that anyone will pay for this poor version of porn when they can watch far better for free. The whole thing smacks of desperation! :no:
  5. Still, without doubt, the best ass on RLC. A joy to behold!! :yes: :yes:
  6. I always find it interesting to go back to the first couple of pages of comments, after a new couple have been here a few weeks. In Carla's case, I don't think there has been anyone who has changed quite so much! From hiding in rooms and under covers, to the seemingly non-stop, fully visible sexual frolicks. I read in a recent post that some people thought there was no real love or affection between these two. While I agree sex in itself is no guarantee of affection, I think that the time both of these two will spend ensuring the others satisfaction, is a good indication of their level of affection. In fact, I don't think I have ever seen a man spend as long pussy licking as Mario did the other evening. The poor guy's tongue must have been raw, or it certainly would have been in my youth before shaving was fashionable! :yes:
  7. I was going to say if Nelly had sucked on it I would gladly have it in my mouth. Then I remembered what else Nelly likes to have in her mouth fairly regularly, and ..well .. you know ... :puke:
  8. :screwy: :screwy:You guys are all fecking nuts :screwy: :screwy: A month ago Kiko was the anti-christ and Nora was Dracula's daughter! Now its like they just moved in from Little House on the Prairie!! :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
  9. It seems that when a new apartment comes on, there follows an almost endless stream of "she's too fat", "She's too thin", she's got a boil on her arse", etc, etc. I think we should wait more than a millisecond before jumping on the 'the're shit' button. Remember, these people are likely to be a bit nervous and apprehensive at first. If they see all the neg comments, which many of them do, do you think they will have a negative or positive effect on them, and indeed our viewing pleasure. This new girl is, let's say 'substantial'. However, I have known some very sensual 'substantial' girls in my time. I have also known some real lookers who were about as sensual and good in bed as a blow up doll! This new apartment may well turn out to be a waste of time, but at least lets give it the chance to succeed or fail on its merit! This has been a rant on behalf of the Scottish branch of Reallifecam.com. :screwy: :screwy: :haha: :haha:
  10. Tomorrow's headlines: Tragedy as young couple found suffocated in bed! The ambulance chief said "It's very sad, but nobody could have survived under that amount of covers! :no: :no:
  11. I said in an earlier post that I thought Nikki had been brought in as a short term fix. I think she was recruited by Nora to avoid an almost empty apartment. I think she will be gone as soon as they can get someone else in there.
  12. I agree with some of that bobbyjoe. My problem is that these people are fully grown adults, who have lived pretty much all their adult lives with computers and the internet. They must surely know that their is every chance that their images will be seen. Only a total numbskull would take an RLC apartment on without checking the consequences. How long does it take to Google RealLifeCam? With the long term residents i.e. not Nora's girls, I think that sometimes one of the partners has persuaded the other, and once installed, problems arise. I think this is true of Demid who stopped Dasha in her tracks, and I think Suzan has never been happy there. As far as Nora's girls are concerned, theirs is a different concept. They accept the opportunity of a free stay in Barcelona readily, knowing that it is a short term stay, and it is then up to the personality of the girl, how much she will show. Just my opinion! :scratchchin:
  13. Hey, give her a break Mickey. She's just rehearsing for her new job as a Michael Jackson impersonator. I didn't notice her face to begin with. Wasted 30 seconds of my life checking out the camel toe :haha: :haha:
  14. I think Nora's deliberately doing this open legged, show knickers thing, to show the other two that this is what is expected :yes:
  15. Nikki - "What made Kristy so popular"? Nora - "She ate watermelons". Nikki - "Ah, gotcha". :doh:
  16. Bonnie Scotland :welcome: Small country, presently part of the UK, but that might change! We tend to punch above our weight, inventing things like the telephone, the television, penicillin, golf, tarmcadam, and of course Scotch Whisky. P.S. Would all the people who claim to live in God's country, tell him to get of his arse and get some miracles done. The world sure needs some!!
  17. A MESSAGE TO THE GUEST...... Dear Lady, I have to say I have admired your beautiful face and wonderful body since you first arrived. You seem to have a nice personality, and a good sense of humour. All in all, a lovely girl. However... you are really starting to get on my tits with all this 'Oh dear, I mustn't let anyone see my private bits' shit! You have the opportunity to make many thousands happy. Please do not waste it. For full instructions please ask Zoya. I am sure she will be more than happy to show you the way. Yours facelessly, upndown.
  18. The best place on RLC at the moment is Leora's guest room, and it's free! Leora is determined to stay RLC's top draw and is doing what it takes. She is a priceless asset to both RLC and us! :yes:
  19. Ah Leora, Queen of all, your beauty has no peer, how Paul keeps his hands off you, I think the douche bag's queer! :yes: :yes:
  20. They come and they go, but this gift from the gods keeps returning to reclaim her crown. Long live the Queen!! :yes: :yes:
  21. At 10.15 on the dirty bin vid. It seems to have the desired effect has she orgasms about a minute later. ;)
  22. That was fucking amazing!! She was fingering her pussy and took the finger which was clearly covered in pussy juice, and put it in her mouth! To all the doubters that said that these shows were not real, this one sure as hell was! I love this girl!! Fuck, I'm going to have to go and lie down. :yeahbaby:
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