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Everything posted by upndown

  1. Hi mr1010. I have read a lot of your posts over the last few weeks and you seem like a good, honest type of guy. I seldom, if ever, get involved in other peoples rants, but just maybe I can bring a little reasoning to the negative postings you've been receiving. So here is my totally un-asked for, but hopefully not resented advice to give you a happier forum experience. You make a lot of good points in your posts. Unfortunately, you tend to post it as you would say it, leading to lines and lines of text and often meaning your point is lost or obscured. I suggest that before posting, you decide what point you want to make, and make it within a sentence or two. I also suggest that you stop defending yourself. If you look back over your posts, I think you will be amazed at how often you have posted long defences of your opinions. The quoted post is a perfect example. Had I been replying to this, it would have been four words -"No problem. Thanks Houlii". Remember, on an open and anonymous forum such as this, you will never, ever change people's attitudes or behaviour. I have never been attacked on this forum, but if it happens, my answer will be "Oh God, I really, really wish I was as smart as you :lmao: :lmao:" To me, this is a far better way to deal with haters. However, on the subject of haters, some of the guys you have been arguing with, in my experience, are really good guys. Worth keeping in mind that sometimes there is a good guy in a bad mood behind a tackless post! Also, sometimes, a reply that's intended to be helpful can come across as critical. A further critical reply to that and hey presto! flame war!! (By the way, a Flame war posting thread is at the top section of the forum page). So in conclusion, decide what you want to say before you start posting, shorten your posts to maximise effect, don't waste your time defending yourself, and don't have digs at the mods. Overall, they do a damn good job. And finally..............Smile :) :) :) :) :)
  2. Well the play that we wished, did not happen, The maintenance man sure fucked that, But wait!, here comes Irma, start fappin', She's got two fingers stuck in her twat!! :drool:
  3. That must be a Gillette. I mean that's definitely "The best a man can get" :yeahbaby:
  4. There is a young girl named Ilona, By herself now in old Barcelona, By night and by day, She'll just want to play, To make sure that we all have a boner!! :woohoo: :screwy:
  5. Suits me fine. After a hard day, I like to slip into something cool!! :yes:
  6. Superb Hope85 (as usual). The top pic is one I could (and probably will) sit and stare at for hours. If I was to imagine my perfect dream woman, this would be her. Thanks again :clap:
  7. Where the fuck have you been!! Never mind all the B/S about new homes! We all know you went to Russia on a mission. :hugnkiss: As you haven't posted any wedding pics, I assume it was unsuccessful! :doh: Never mind. There's always Pamela - never let me down yet!! Seriously, good to see you back :hi:
  8. I've posted about this before, but tonight is another perfect example of White's 'yeuck' to 'oh fuck!' looks. I've never saw anyone who can transform themselves simply by letting their hair down and adding a little makeup. Tonight my dear, my answer would definitely be YES PLEASE!! :yes: :yes:
  9. Does anyone else think that Ilona bears a fairly strong resemblance to Masha? Sometimes on the settee, her features look very similar. :idk:
  10. Don't think White should be 'mooning'. A little too much like the real thing. I'm sure I can make out the Sea of Tranquility. Anyway, we all want to see what's on the dark side. :yes:
  11. Good idea! Carla's 'El Gato' should definitely be given his own apartment!! More power to the pussy! :woohoo: 'El Gato' is Spanish for cat - and yes, I looked it up!
  12. Yes, with the possible exception of Ilona, I struggle to find anything worth watching here. I don't mean sexual action particularily (although that would be nice), I mean watching Sara and White just does nothing for me. Without wishing to sound unkind, they remind me of two lumberjacks after a hard shift! Almost zero femininity. I can watch girls like Leora or formally K&K, and enjoy just looking at a beautiful woman, even if they are just watching t.v.. These girls simply don't have that attraction for me. :no: :idk:
  13. Sometimes clothed pics like these remind you just how naturally beautiful this girl is. :yes: Thanks again BBsq69!
  14. Ilona's being a good girl! Her mother told her under no circumstances had she to appear totally naked! :yes:
  15. The most remarkable thing about this apartment is that it has generated eleven pages of some of the funniest bullshit I have read, in less than two days! I didn't know there was this amount of sex therapists on the planet! Keep it up guys. It might be a total load of nonsense, but it's really amusing!! :haha:
  16. It is almost a certainty that Paul was either a baker, or went on a breadmaking course. If you watch the way he kneads Leora's ass and thighs, it's exactly like kneading dough for bread. It is also the least sensual and sexual foreplay I have ever witnessed!! :no: :no:
  17. A picture speaks a thousand words! For me, this pretty much sums up this apartment. :no:
  18. Jez! Lighten up fella! Try to go through life with a smile, not a frown! :) :)
  19. Someone should advise Sasha that he might be better off practicing his juggling with small bean bags rather than tennis balls. His cool dude image is not being enhanced watching him chase around the room like a demented terrier on speed! :woohoo: :no:
  20. My advice to Paul, if he wants to liven up their sex lives, is to try the 'Bucking Bronco'. For those unfamliar with this technique, I'll explain. Assume the doggy-style position, and continue this until relatively aroused. Increase speed and as you do so shout the name of your ex-girlfriend loudly. Hey Presto - 'The Bucking Bronco'. The downside is it only tends to work once! :doh: :screwy:
  21. I think this has got to be true here. I have never been able to figure out why a good looking woman like Carina would choose someone like Sabrina as a partner. When I see Sabrina naked, it's like someone's put the wrong head on her body. I think the attraction for Carina is just that. She has a female partner but also a 'male' when required. :idk:
  22. In a previous post, I had said that while I thought some people would find White attractive, I did not. However, when I saw her tonight, playing Twister and then on the settee, I thought 'Wow' this lady is hot. In fact I would have no problem being with her (preferably horizontal)! When they came home tonight, they went upstairs. When White came back down, I thought it was her mother! Not only was she almost totally unrecognisable from the earlier beauty we had seen, but even her posture had changed. If you check the pics of the twister event, you'll see her with her back and shoulders ramrod straight. When I saw her in the kitchen tonight, her back was bent and her shoulders hunched. My point here is that although many of us prefer the natural look, there are times when make-up not only enhances a person's looks, but it also seems to have a physiological effect on their whole demeanor. In other words, Make-up, hair done, nice clothes = :drool: :drool: No make-up, awful hair, t-shirt & baggy pants = :yikes: :yikes:
  23. Mmmmmmmm.........Nelly juice........mmmmmmm :drool: :drool:
  24. No!! :doh: :doh: He refuses again. If this guy was a horse, he would be shot. For the fifth time - HE IS GAY!!!! Get him out. He is without doubt THE most annoying person I have ever seen on VV. >:( >:( Jez - Christy is trying again! She doesn't give up easily.
  25. Yes, when Petra was about to leave, she noticed Christy was starting to cry. She then took her out of the apartment. Both now back in their own places. Watching Messa, I can only say again - This guy is a complete knobhead! Please get him to fuck out of there!!! :curse: :curse:
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