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Everything posted by upndown

  1. There are some good product reviews out there! I saw this one yesterday on Amazon. It is a genuine review of the Fire Stick. I really would like to go out for a beer with this woman!! "I bought this as an electronic babysitter, for my husband, who is five. Oh, wait, not five, 48. I was pig-sick of him watching Netflix on his mobile phone, with his netbook pinging up Facebook messages, with the TV on full blast, and the sound from his Netflix leaking out of his earphones, because he had that on full volume as well, to counter-balance whatever was happening on the TV he wasn't watching. It has worked a treat, as he now watches endless hours of crap on the big TV, while his netbook and phone ping Facebook messages at him, and he lies on the couch, re-arranging his crotch, and grunting. The installation was easy, despite the fact that I only have full use of one hand, I didn't need any screwdrivers, and I'm not allowed hammers anyway. I did stand on an apple that the dog had taken behind the TV, for dog-reasons, and it squidged between my toes a bit, but I don't suppose that's a universal installation issue, not everyone having a dog that hides fruit behind the TV. The plug-and-play nature of the device meant that I was able to install without asking for help from a man, and I didn't even break any fingernails. I'm relatively certain I've deleted any links to my social media from Amazon, so the husband won't be able to ferret about, at two in the morning, while he's watching something with boobs in, or yet another concert from the time period when I was being potty-trained, and see all of the nasty things I say about him. For me, it has been £35 well-spent, although the glut of adverts offering it for £25 have been a bit of a kick in the crotch, I could have spent the extra £10 on gin, but it would have been cheap gin, so there would have been no real gain". :) :)
  2. Oh Mikey, I was just about to message you! I came across this transcript of a phone call to the CC offices: CC: "Good morning, can I help you"? Girl with Russian accent: "I am trying to contact one of your members". CC: "What is it regarding"? G.w.R.a.: "It is following a number of posts where one of your members called euromike69, professes his love for me over and over, including some wonderful poetry" CC: "Ah so you want to contact him"? G.w.R.a: "What!! No fucking way!! I want to contact the stud who wrote the poetry"! CC: "Oh, that will be upndown, but I am sorry, he has had so many sexual requests from females that he cannot answer any more at the moment". G.w.R.a.: "I understand. please tell him I'll wait for him however long it takes"! I'll try and hold her off as long as possible Mikey, but she seems smitten!! :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:
  3. Yes, the whole forum seems to be a much happier and settled place at the moment. I think the Mods have done a good job over the last few months weeding out the arseholes. It makes it a far more enjoyable place to spend some time. :yes: :yes:
  4. I'm really pleased this apartment is back. It's got a good vibe to it, and Sara looks like she has what it takes to make it very watchable. She even made ol'dick have a twitch or two sitting on the settee like that! :drool: :drool:
  5. Does anyone know what happened to SanPer?? He posted some amazing stuff but seemed to vanish. Did I miss something?
  6. She's even doing blowjob exercises in the second pic!!! :drool: :drool:
  7. Yes, while I would really miss her mesmerising beauty, I truly hope that she goes on to enjoy success and happiness. Just a thought. If she goes, I think we should all chip in to pay for counseling for BBsq69. :scratchchin: :screwy:
  8. I like this apartment. To me this is a very 'real' apartment. I get the sense that what you see is exactly what would happen whether there were cams there or not, with the understandable exception of some shy guests. I watched them a couple of nights ago after they returned from having a few drinks. Their antics really were very amusing, and they all enjoyed themselves without any arguments or cattiness. On the odd occasions they do have sex, I find Curly a very attractive female, and although I'll never understand her attraction to Elvis, they obviously have a deep affection for each other. :soapbox:
  9. I'm a little concerned by this police stuff. I can't imagine her superiors would be willing to allow one of their officers to live under the conditions Leora does. I hope this is not the beginning of the end for her on RLC. :(
  10. Here's one that was made a year after I was born! I had it in the house and played it on our 78 gramophone (volume control was a sock pushed down the horn!). It was the first number one ever in the UK when the charts began. Given the primitive recording methods they had then, the sound on this is amazing. Best heard with headphones and volume up LOUD. Al Martino in his prime - Here in my Heart
  11. That's one sizeable pussy that lady has! :yeahbaby:
  12. Well that's fucked the train songs then!! :doh: :doh:
  13. The superb LC at his best. I have the dvd of this concert. A must have for anyone who loves wonderful music!!
  14. I loved this as a teenager but couldn't admit it. The Seekers weren't 'cool' enough when I was 15!! www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1UXSdFlVOs
  15. The Seekers - Morningtown Ride. I think Leora would like this. Judith Durham's voice was just beautiful. :)
  16. It will be interesting to see if Ivo is allowed to try it on with this new girl. I really hope not. The Voronezh apartment has to be able to stand on its own two feet (or lie on their own backs), without interference from the Tver predators. :no:
  17. No, there was no masturbation. Just a quick scratch and then a masterclass on how to use a cushion and a sheet to cover every part of the body from the neck down! :curse:
  18. Ozi, I have been for the most part enjoying your posts for a long time. You and Snaky have a way of cutting through the BS I find amusing. This time I'm afraid your wrong. I posted a similar opinion to yours not long after the new apartment opened. I have been proved wrong also. Briefly, the problem is that the Tver apartment has three professionals brought in to have sex parties and 'guide' the amateurs in the Voronezh apartment to participate. This in itself would not be a problem if there was even the slightest regard for the amateurs. There is none. The first couple there was split up, the guy was thrown out, then his ex-partner was thrown out after they grew tired of fucking her. The guy who was fucking tonight, Ivo, is the worst culprit. He grooms the girls, makes sure they get plenty of alcohol, then fucks them until a new face appears. It's easy for him. He's a good looking guy and the girls are not exactly mensa material. Now I tend to be a live and let live kind of guy not prone to righteous indignation, but this is just nasty exploitation to turn a few bucks. I'm sure none of these girls arrived as sweet innocent little virgins, but I'm also pretty sure that when their time comes to get kicked out or they leave of their own accord, their memories will not make them either happy or proud. Damn! That wasn't nearly as brief as I hoped!! Anyway Ozi, I'm sure if you had watched as long as I have you would agree........or not!! :idk: :idk:
  19. This reminds me of a goldfish I once had. :scratchchin:
  20. Yes, this really is nasty. Two guys who couldn't make half a brain between them, walking around like retarded chimps while a total egotist proves to himself that he can fuck anybody he wants. He couldn't even get a hard-on! Quite why the females are giving themselves to this idiot is beyond me. Somebody wants to cut his balls off!! :headache: :headache: :headache: Anyway, I'm out of there. :trashcomputer: >:( >:(
  21. Well, with over eighteen thousand likes, there must be a shit load of people like crap. The guy puts a lot of time and effort in, and some of his stuff is excellent. I think you should kiss and make-up maxfactor :hugnkiss: :haha: :haha:
  22. I think we have to address THE most important issue on RLC for many years - what should we call blue now that at least half of her hair is green!! Why did she do that?? Is it all part of a RLC plot to confuse and divide opinion? Don't these people know there is enough problems in the world without dropping this bombshell!!! I think I will call her Grue for the time being, but I offer her this advice - Add some red lines up and across your head. Then we can call you Tartan! :nana: :nana:
  23. I don't know what arrangements RLC have with their people regarding any payments. I would say however, that for the last couple of days to have been a scam, both Carla and Mario would have to be potential Oscar winners! Now, I like them both, God love 'em, but I really can't see it! If women are right, and all men think with there dicks, then Mario is a fecking genius, but other than that, I don't get the sense that there is a whole lot happening in the attic! :screwy: I hope they stay though, they make me smile :) :)
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