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Everything posted by ericjeanjean

  1. One sign that RLC is very uneventful tonight, Kristy's room is still the top cam several minutes after she left... She did not look like she was leaving for long so hopefully I'll see har again tonight .
  2. Yeah something about her rubs me the wrong way, hard to explain why, she seems very much like Kamila but with her worst traits exacerbated (lazy, self involved). And she's very pretty but in a bland way, kind of like a prettier Aida.
  3. Rita must have a early day tomorrow. A short exercising session with her shirt and thong. A quick shower and she's already in her nightie.
  4. What's up with those girls? Somebody already claimed that Rita wore her grandma's underwear and now Elisa stole your granny's dress. They really like to steal from the elderly. More seriously, Elisa looks very pretty in that blue dress. I think she bought it in Barcelona a few weeks ago.
  5. There was still the possibility that she went to the laundry room to get a fresh a pair of panties as she often does.
  6. Seeing her coming into her bedroom in all her naked glory I had an epiphany. I want Rita to become the new Nora of this apartment.
  7. Not at all. According to the translations we've had she said in barcelona that she had sex with a girl and more recently while she was massaging Kamila that she had used a strapon on a girl. Whether you chose to believe Kristy or the translators is another matter entirely but Slider is not delusional.
  8. Je pense que c'est plus un problème d'emploi du temps chargé pour Kristy + la nouvelle amie de Kamila + son copain qui font qu'elles n'ont pas trop pu se voir. Elles ont passé du temps ensemble mercredi et tout avait l'air d'aller bien. Il vaut mieux attendre que les choses se tassent un peu avant de faire ce genre d'affirmations sans avoir toutes les infos parce que 9 fois sur 10 c'est à côté de la plaque. Pendant ce temps regarde comme Kristy est adorable quand elle fait sa sieste .
  9. Dont be so overly dramatic, posting stuff from outside of RLC is just against the rules of this particular forum since its focus is Reallifecam itself. https://camcaps.net/forums/topic/7148-rules/ Many people in the world are really suffering from censorship so let's be careful before throwing that word for something as trivial as this. Nothing prevents you from posting all this elsewhere if you want.
  10. More than chocolate I would say that her real weakness is cheese but she has an otherwise very healthy lifestyle so she can afford that indulgence. Rita has finally become extremely comfortable with the cameras, she never hides anymore and often walks around topless even on the balcony, not to mentions the times when she applies lotion. Now we can admire her amazing beauty and her incredible body in their full glory . That's why you have to be patient and not want to kick the girls out if they don't show the goods immediately, great things may come eventually.
  11. After a morning of light masturbation and exercising , Kristy left the apartment around noon. Fortunately she has not packed enough stuff to spend the night at her mom's house so we won't be stuck with only the sloth sisters all week-end.
  12. Well the guest probably had a flight/train to catch and I assume Kamila waited for her to leave to go visit Coke Boy.
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