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Everything posted by ericjeanjean

  1. She sometimes go to his place and come back during the night probably to stay late in bed the next day. Anyway if she comes back it's without him.
  2. They are not leaving together. I doubt Kamila took the effort to put on a bra and change for nothing so I guess it's a CokeBoy night for her.
  3. Kamila and her friend seem ready to leave. Judging by the previous days Kristy should be back soon after. I have no idea what's going on but this really bums me out. Oh well, Kristy alone is always better than no Kristy at all .
  4. En fait pour moi Timothy Olyphant c'est ça : J'ai suivi cette série religieusement pendant 6 saisons et a aucun moment en voyant CokeBoy je ne me suis dit qu'il lui ressemblait.
  5. It's funny that the photo lists two shitty movies with Timothy Olyphant. He's also been been the star of two excellent TV shows that I recommend to everyone : 'Deadwood' and 'Justified'. As for the resemblance I don't really see it sorry.
  6. Wow you sure did read my dumb comment in the worst possible way. So to clarify : No those are not the only things I can praise a woman for. Yes I think Elisa has many great qualities other than the way she masturbates.
  7. I don't know something really bothers me about that girl. I admit that it's very irrational and very unfair to her since I don't know her. I'll just abstain to comment on her from now on. I'm sure I'd be less annoyed if k&k weren't so seldom together in the apartment nowadays.
  8. You're right, it doesn't add up. When Adele left for a while she left a lot of stuff. Maybe her Visa extension is not 100% certain. We'll see if RLC removes her name or not. Whatever happens Elisa will always be in our hearts for all she achieved with her thighs, a banana and a can of deodorant.
  9. What? she's nothing like Kristy. I seriously don't see what you guys see in this girl. She's pretty but that's all, I haven't seen her do one interesting thing since that first shower.
  10. I guess Vika will have to get over the fact that you guys don't want to fuck her... I imagine it's like learning that North Korea won't grant you a Visa.
  11. I can confirm. Kamila left before Rita. When I started on RLC it was already Rita and Jenny then Rita and Milana.
  12. Very nice Kristy. Also, I just realized that there is a skateboard in Kristy's room. That girl is really multitalented
  13. What? Kristy is a skater? Are you sure he wasn't talking about that surf beauty pageant she did friday?
  14. Is she trying to teach her to get up at 4PM and stay all day on the couch looking at her phone? I don't think it's necessary because I think that Girl is already better at it than Kamila.
  15. An html5 version of flowplayer exists. Why RLC chose the flash version in 2016 is a mystery. My guess would be that it has to do with the watermark bullshit.
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