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Everything posted by ericjeanjean

  1. Now it's time for Kristy to come back, I'm sure the girls have a lot of catching up to do.
  2. Yes you already said that. It was a horrible thing to say the first time, repeating it certainly doesn't make it better.
  3. Luckily, there is a perfect solution for you, you can leave the USA and go live in one of those nice countries with great governments that you listed. Edit : Wait a minute, it's the comedy section. Was this satire? I can't tell...
  4. When Kristy comes back and do some cuddling and practice kissing with Kami's mom the it'll be weird.
  5. Kami's mom really doesn't give a fuck about the cameras, she even peed in the bathroom toilets. Of course it was awkward when she could not find TP since the girls never use it.
  6. Yes when they went to thailand but it only happened once the mom's boyfriend started taking a dump in the bathroom toilets...
  7. It's meant to be used on a smartphone. You can control what camera is displayed on any rlc session you have and monitor the top cams, your smartphone becomes your remote hence the name. I must say it's a pretty cool feature but I'm not sure if it will be useful for many people.
  8. Unfortunately i was really wrong, I wonder where they went because Kristy wasn't exactly dressed to go clubbing. Maybe they went to see a movie?
  9. I don't think they're gone for long. My guess is that they went to buy food and drinks.
  10. Once again a ridiculously attractive guest in this appartment. She has amazing nipples, the tip might be 1cm long.
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