Well that was interesting. The 3 of them had been hanging out throughout the afternoon and seemed happy enough, laughing and joking around. Kristy and Kami kept whispering to one another when they were in another room from him, one time Kami clearly gesturing that she would get rid of him making a shooing away motion with her hand in his direction.
Kristy got ready and left the house and as soon as she did things went dead cold between Kami and boyfriend. They barely said two words to each other after that, they sat and had a cup of tea in silence then he got up gathered his things and left. She walked him to the door, no hug, no kiss not even a smile or a goodbye. Then she watched through the peephole a good 2 minutes presumably to make sure he had left.
Would love a translation of the few words they did say after Kristy left.