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Everything posted by denizenkane

  1. It's true I almost missed out too, I was certain today would be a down day after last night
  2. After tonight I really feel like my RLC journey is complete after 2 years. In the last few weeks I've seen Kami and Kristy get properly fucked and now these last two nights ending in a full on lesbien orgy....I mean, what's left. I'm 100% satisfied.
  3. Hey easy on Anna, don't forget that she was the first one to go for an aggressive pussy rub tonight. I think she would have been down if she had been in there
  4. I've caught every second from every angle, when my wife gets back from China in 2 weeks I'll do a data dump that will make Snowden jealous and retire/get banned happy.
  5. It just might ruin my life if this is a daily occurrence, can't....stop....watching. Might have to start posting everything and go for perma ban, I have more vids than I can count to go through from the last two days ???
  6. Hahaha fair enough. I still think there is a half decent chance he's gay. It looked like he went for the reach there at the end but we can't be certain. Could be he was just high and touchy feely like the rest of them and just wanted to cuddle LOL. I can't relate but it would certainly explain there complete level of comfort around the guy. Touching them, watching them give massages. He never really made a move all night until the end, maybe, but he sure gave up easy if he did.
  7. Well I had a blast, literally several times , sorry about your feels. If this is the kind fun these girls are going to get up too when this guy's around bring it on. I'll pay double.
  8. There's a very good argument to be made this night goes down nothing this without his contributions...cough cough
  9. serving drinks again, what an asshole!!! Stella looks so creeped out laughing and hanging with him now too. Your all nuts.
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