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Everything posted by denizenkane

  1. Yeah I'm just guessing but I can't recall ever seeing leora dance for hours on end in the last couple years and the masks are quite the coincedence
  2. Leora keeps tabs on the other apartments, if she's seen what's been up in Barca 2 then she knows it doesn't have to end with anything to gain all kinds of attention ?
  3. I agree with you but do you expect any less from CC when it's Leora and there is alcohol and masks?
  4. The Barca 2 effect ? , the masks are gonna make everyones mind run wild right here
  5. Right now this feels more like shift work, filling the late night time slot, maybe why things always seems intentionally drawn out.
  6. I will forever be dumbfounded by by some of the things that happen in these apartments. Like why have I seen multiple times that bathtub get run, bubbles added only to never be used while we sit around thinking are they going to take that goddamn bath or not!?!?
  7. I don't see it, Becca and Bell didn't seem to need time last time she buried her face in her pussy. Jasmin certainly doesn't seem like the answer to bring back any kind of vibe. Maybe the new girl has a miracle up her sleeve.
  8. Looks like they put the new girl to sleep, sad her and Bell had the most energy tonight. Don't think we'll be getting the all nighters like before either it's almost Jasmins bed time.
  9. any chance someone has the vid of the guests session yesterday before they left?
  10. she got into bed hugged him then rolled over and went to sleep, there was no advance whatsoever. Unless of course you speak russian and know something I don't. They're exhausted dude, they were up all night last night and now its 4 am. You're grasping at straws. Probably just to keep me banging my head against the wall trying to understand what you think you're seeing. So goodnight, my guess is everything will be just fine tomorrow.
  11. lol everything is going to be okay bud, props for the nickname topknot though thats pretty funny.
  12. guests are on there way out, too bad no encore but that was one hell of a visit. Hopefully they come back again some day.
  13. this is a bullshit comment man, the guy gave a detailed perspective coming from experience and this is what you shoot back with? pfff
  14. wow I'm not sure if this is another culture difference thing again like the drugs in B2 or what but I'm not seeing this like you guys at all. They've been chilling all day, cuddling in the bed all together, cuddling on the couch all together. Masha and Sasha legs all tangled up, kissing, what am i missing? Looks like a normal day for them which is a great sign they're comfortable with whats gone on no?
  15. Why do you assume that's a problem? If he's confident in himself and his relationship he's got nothing to worry about. Many people out there get off on the idea of seeing there spouse having sex with someone else, they enjoy seeing their spouse enjoy themselves. Nothing wrong with that at all unless there are confidence or jealousy issues, this sounds like the perspective you're coming from.
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