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Everything posted by denizenkane

  1. Nah, if there is one guy who has nothing at all to worry about its Sasha the guys a stud. And something tells me he was just fine with seeing Masha enjoy herself so much, he's been laughing and chatting with the male guest all evening.
  2. ummm...... fuck yes if shes hot :) All comes down to if everyone involved is comfortable and confident in their relationships and the situation. In this case after watching Masha and Sasha for the last year I could say fairly confidently this is something they've been seeking out and would have discussed at length the ramifications.
  3. I think it looks pretty good, certainly better than the brown smudges we ended up with in b1. It was sure fun watching them smudge it all together though ?
  4. He's just trying to keep things organized for us Eric. We've developed a habit of using this thread as the catch all.
  5. Was that kitek translation? If that's true RLC really needs to review their hiring policy. I mean that's just hilarious ?
  6. I don't understand how/why anyone who signed up to be employed by RLC, to broadcast their bodies and intiment moments on the internet could be surprised that there would be recordings. Let alone be mortified by it as has been claimed about Rebecca. Unless RLC is making promises that are impossible to keep.
  7. If that's the case those who missed out on those 2 awesome nights might be shit out of luck. Getting multiple girls (more than 2) on the same level may prove dificult with booze alone. It's too bad, having a party house option in the RLC lineup was fun as hell. Even worse if they've actually been told to tone it down they may be more reserved overall.
  8. You just compared some young girls taking party drugs and having fun to murder ?, I think they have an opening at FOX news for you.
  9. If you consider charades spicy ? You're in luck! People are all in some way ruled by their inhibitions, even the girls that put themselves in this very public position. MDMA drastically lowers inhibitions and makes you want to dance, touch/be close to others and increases sexual arousal (sounds pretty perfect doesn't it?). If in fact those days are over because of busy body party poopers like yourself it's a sad day. But more likely, Stella was the one being proactive about finding/providing the goods.
  10. I wish I could transplant RLC into the early 2000's, before there was much to waste time on on your phone and after shaved pussy became the norm ?
  11. Or take a break until they do. So many different tastes and fetishes around here somebody out there is generally getting what they want. Look at BBsq69's day ?
  12. Haha I saw her laying on the floor on my phone in passing earlier. I thought to myself this is BBsq69's Super Bowl. ?
  13. LOL. the bar has been raised for absolute nonsense in the last 30 pages. You want a no nonsense rundown of last night here it is. Milania brought a couple guys over to party, they brought a friend. They drank, they did some coke and played charades. The party itself was pretty weak. At the end of the night Milania got a great pounding in B1, started in the bedroom then bathroom then shower. Stella got fucked, mostly covered but pretty decent none the less. Thats it, you can flush the rest of it down the toilet. PS- Stella getting fucked from behind uncovered was fucking hot as hell ??
  14. Good god Stella, say what you want there isn't another girl in all of RLC you'd rather have in that doggy jackhammer position?? dat asss
  15. I miss Anna in these moments. She didn't have great finish at the end of the night but she was great at getting the party going and keeping it going.
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