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Everything posted by denizenkane

  1. Remember the first time we had all the angels on Kristiy's bed and the forum went crazy. Doesn't quite cut it anymore does it? The Barca 2 ripple effect.
  2. I wish I could find the name of Kristy's music, sounds like there is some decent Russian hiphop out there. Nice to hear some decent music in one of the apartments.
  3. if anyone has video (specifically the lola face sit on carolina and any other good parts from last night) I can trade for lots of good still shots from the megan,bell, rebecca night :)
  4. Why re run the bath to not use it again? All logic is lost around barca 2. It's like a hedonistic fantasy land where no one requires sleep, drinks are for all hours of the day, up is down and the sky is purple. I want in.
  5. the come up on mdma (if thats whats up here) can be overwhelming if your new to it. Can make you nauseous as well. If thats the case he'll be feeling better than new in no time :). Must have had himself a big gulp though or got the bottom of the bottle.
  6. Anna's tits are just wonderful. At first glance you might guess they are fake but I don't believe they are. I just want to shrink myself down and curl up in there.
  7. My comment to you was about throwing accusations of rape around lightly, not about who superficially does or doesn't like this guy.
  8. So you're saying that your stance after days of this is that he gave it to them with out them knowing? Because that's what you've said here implies. I know you've barely missed a minute, you can't be that delusional.
  9. I get where you're coming from but I think it's a reach, I think it's more likely they just know the guy from outside the project.
  10. damn I hope Polya is open to a threesome, she was just feeling up anna in front of her bf :)
  11. nobodies been "drugged" from the start, everyone has been well aware. And why can't the "party girl" have a party boy?
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