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Everything posted by denizenkane

  1. the big jugs yes, the small bottle on the table gets picked up, shaken and passed around for small sips
  2. Absolutely they are just having fun, all the nonsense stems from an irrational hatred of this guy it seems to me. I understand we are very multicultural here though and the use of drugs may be more taboo where some of our members are from. Ever heard of Ibiza? It's one of the drug capitals of the world, these girls vacation there regularly and it's very close by. None of this is a stretch or a bad thing in my opinion.
  3. what? "Hi RLC support, yeah I just wanted to let you know that the girls have invited some guy over and they really appear to enjoy his company. Also they been knowingly taking drugs and seem to have been having an awesome time for days. Please do something about this ASAP." something like that?
  4. that was interesting, mixing something into shot glasses in the kitchen but only water bottles present. Shaking the water bottles before pouring into shot glasses.
  5. I miss that speedy goodness LOL, look I came in the conversation late I'm not looking for an argument. Just trying to speak from experience and clear things up. You're right I can't give you a picture to prove it, sorry.
  6. One of the major differences you're seeing there is in the early 90's what was being circulated was "Ecstacy" usually mixture of MDMA and Speed and resulted in a much longer lasting speedy high. Nowadays it is far more common the find pure MDMA, it results in a far calmer touchy feely experience that you can definitely be sexually active on. And there was tons of water being drank all night in white tea cups.
  7. 100% Benfold, If you've ever experienced the high of MDMA and understand it's effects you'd know that there is no debate to be had. It couldn't have been more obvious. Let me say too that I support Benfolds pro stance on the issue and have plenty of experience myself.
  8. He's been playing with that cute little asshole for like 20 minutes now, she seems to like it ?
  9. Absolutely! It's very irresponsible to be throwing those accusations around lightly. Especially when all evidence points to the contrary. Imagine you had just found camcaps/RLC and you read what some were saying while he was in bed with Anna last night. Everything you were seeing would be taken completely out of context and could be quite traumatic. People need to think carefully before making such allegations. Envy is not a valid reason to label someone a rapist.
  10. Omg it's never been so fun to watch Megan and Rebecca clean the house as after seeing Rebecca's face buried in that pussy last night.
  11. Amen, thanks for speaking up. Some of the bullshit being slung about this guy slipping them things and rape in the last few hours is extremely irresponsible. Anyone paying close attention over the last couple days can see that. You may find him disgusting (bunch of chissled 10's in here I'm sure) or think it's impossible that a girl as attractive as Anna could be willing to be with him but the fact is she's been willing throughout, often coming to him. It was the same last night, they sobered up and stayed again tonight. These claims are unsubstantiated and need to stop. And these girls are well aware of what they ingested. For the second night in a row by the way. Do you honestly think you could fool an entire group of women into taking ecstasy on 2 consecutive days? Let's use our heads guys.
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