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Everything posted by Epikouros

  1. True, I didn't think of that possible reason. Still... To actually get IN the bath, after the pictures, the outfits should be taken off... The clothes might get ruined otherwise! (though I'd advise tenants to never read CC, I hope they do read this message! 😉 )
  2. WTF?... Do they want to make what they're wearing shrink or something? Bought their outfits a size too big? It's the only rationale I can think of... (but then again, never underestimate the intricacies of female psychology...) Why wear clothes to a bath?... Also, they've been naked on cam already anyway, so I really don't get this... What a pity. They're pretty girls, but this is a bummer... 😕
  3. Relax, take a deep breath, lighten up. I propose exposure therapy: Fior Fior Fior See? It wasn't that bad. If you're still feeling angry: repeat what I said in my first sentence. 🙂
  4. I was talking about when she was with them in her room. Even when the towel got loose around her body, she draped it over her behind again when she went to her restroom. Only Eris & Lilith (& us) were able to see her that moment. And indeed, there would be no point in hiding from them, as they're girls AND she's just been naked in the tub with them. That was actually the point I was making, and thus wondering. Maybe some kind of ingrained 'modesty automatism' (that only plays up now & then)?... I don't know... Maybe some female psychology I will never understand... If it was out of fear that Fior (who is probably unconscious anyway) would suddenly barge in, Lilith & Eris were certainly not that concerned... (and besides, I'm sure Fior has a free premium sub to RLC, so he can see every tenant he wants naked at his leisure anyway... 😉 , OK I get that 'for real' would feel different than on cam, but still...)
  5. Eris & Lilith were less cold, in that case... It really seemed more to hide her body than for warmth. At least that was my impression.
  6. I wonder why Karma is trying to cover up for Eris & Lilith... Especially when she's just been naked in the jacuzzi with them.
  7. I generally like big lips when they are natural (or at least look natural). Unfortunately, they often overdo it, turning their lips into a permanent duckface. Which looks a bit dumb indeed. But take Alessa (new girl in B4) for example. Her lips aren't that hugely blown up. In fact they might be natural (I hope!). She's a pretty girl in my book. Her friend Cassie as well, but her lips turned out a bit too big indeed. Still, a pretty girl with enough other assets to make up for it. Pity I never saw her with natural lips (unless hers are actually natural, but I don't think so).
  8. It was a serious question, though also meant to lighten up the mood a bit. 😉 As for me, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. Though I'm not a fan of tattoos, they're not really a turnoff for me either (unless excessive, and even then there are worse things). I'd still rather have sex with a pretty girl with tats, than with an unattractive girl without.
  9. What if she had a tattoo of a dick?
  10. Wait... Weren't you guys both negative assholes making loser comments (as are several others, chasing normal conversations away from this forum)? I'm confused now. Why fight?... Did all the normal people leave so you have to turn on each other?... Edit: not talking about trippingalot, who got his post in just before me.
  11. He probably means a coloured guy.
  12. People would unsubscribe en masse (instead of continuing to pay, like you suggest) if there would be even less tenants than now. Which is exactly what would happen (and might already be happening as it is!) if tenants were subjected to a disciplinarian crackdown like the one you suggested above: a number of the few remaining tenants would also leave (or get sent away for breaking the rules), and finding new ones would become even harder than it already is. On your claim RLC is not actively looking for new tenants, I will use your own argument regarding another subject: you have no idea whether RLC is or is not trying to find new tenants, and neither do I. We are not there and have no way to know for sure. It would be in their best interest though. My own educated guess (and it's only an assumption, not more than that!) is that the pay RLC offers is not good enough (anymore) but they might not be willing or able to afford more, and/or their network outside of the Russian/Ukrainian speaking community is lacking. And if the pay is already not good enough anymore for Russian/Ukrainian girls, it certainly won't be for Western European girls. As a lot of Russian & especially Ukrainian girls live on a more permanent basis in Western Europe since the war started in early 2022, they need the same amount of money to live as Western European girls would. Which RLC can't or won't pay. About who's 'winning': I never claimed it was the viewers. In fact I don't think anyone is 'winning' here, and never claimed anyone was.
  13. You realise RLC already has trouble finding tenants as it is now?...
  14. She's also on her phone. Hopefully not reading CC, and changing her mind now...
  15. What did Nina & Kira do? They must be from before my time.
  16. So I wasn't the only one after all... Maybe something region related as other people had no problems. Strange it was only B2 though...
  17. Indeed. Too bad about the choppy cams though. But apparently that was only me?... And only when watching B2... Strange...
  18. You mean just B2? Or RLC in general?
  19. Weird... For me B4 works fine right now, but B2 is choppy all the time... And I'm at home on my laptop.
  20. You're talking about CC? There's a guy that got banned who regularly launches DDoS attacks against CC. But I was talking about RLC. Does anyone else notice choppy cams in B2?
  21. Is it just me or are the cams in B2 very choppy right now? Haven't tested other apts yet. Edit: in B4 at least the cams are fine. Seems to be only B2 that has choppy cams. Or is it just me?
  22. Difference is: I did it this once because I notice your comments every time I come on. You comment every day, or nearly so. Just as much as other prolific posters (or more), who, however annoying, at least post about what they see (or think they see, or don't see when it's boring). If you check my post count, the dates on which I post, and the time gaps in between, you'll notice that's on a whole other (minor) level. Even about the things on RLC/CC that have nothing to do with you, and are (slightly) more interesting. Also, things are boring at the moment anyway. Might as well check the forum and even post something. Maybe you get your kick from telling people to stop wondering why you are here. 😉 Anyway, it's not that important. I'll have to accept that some human behaviour will always remain a mystery to me. You have a good day too.
  23. Then why exactly are you still here now? I can imagine doing nicer things with my spare time than commenting on a forum about a site I don't even watch... Do you have any other hobbies besides commenting here? And wouldn't you like to spend more time on those?... You still must get some kind of kick (perhaps of a different kind than most) out of it (RLC and/or CC) in some way, otherwise you wouldn't be here.
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