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Everything posted by Epikouros

  1. How or why did Babi destroy Masha's painting? Is she an ex-tenant? Or always been a guest in the past?
  2. I think he was referring to someone (or several persons) who suggested exactly that: a ban or severe reduction on alcohol earlier (& actually meant it!).
  3. My answers in italics & bolded.
  4. Aya happily preparing food in the kitchen in carefree perky toplessness. Yesterday was just a fluke, I guess. ๐Ÿ™‚ She'd be top cam if it weren't for Elli & Vencel's hot guest girl.
  5. A ban on alcohol would kill the fun for everyone, viewers included. Also very hard to implement & enforce: We'd see a lot of drinking of "lemonade", "orange juice", "soft drinks", "mocktails", etc... You can spike most drinks with something alcoholic off cam anyway. It's what I'd do if I were a tenant and they would introduce a ridiculous ban like this. Not to mention the recruitment problems they're already facing would only get worse if they attempted this. Lots of new girls (& guys) might need a few shots of alcohol before being naked or doing sexual stuff on cam for the first time.
  6. Good to hear (though of course I missed it). Maybe her increase in modesty yesterday was only coincidence/temporary. Let's hope so.
  7. Elli & Vencel's hot friend is there again. Has anybody seen if she spent the night there, and/or showered? Changed clothes or otherwise showed anything? (I don't have replay).
  8. She's actually a lot less shy than Shantal was in her first weeks/months. No problems with functional nudity to shower or change, topless with barely covered pussy (more shy in case of 'protracted nudity' I guess) on the bed sometimes, too. Unfortunately, she's not really my type looks-wise.
  9. It's what we called him in the forum. I don't know who first came up with the name (it might even have been me, though I don't think so), but everyone seemed to agree with the name naturally. I really hope we see him (and his girls!) again.
  10. I'd rather see Don Juan as a single... Bringing home different girls. ๐Ÿ˜‰ If there's one guy who could be interesting as a single tenant, it would be him...
  11. There's a difference between thinking RLC will do something, and liking them to do something. To spell it out for you: No, I don't think we will get an announcement from RLC. And yes, I'd like it if they gave one, however unlikely. That you don't care, well, I don't have to care about that. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  12. I didn't watch their apartment for Carla & Yanai, but for their parties & guests. I will miss those, and the sexy girls Don Juan (probably their most famous guest) used to bring, & conquer on cam.
  13. It wouldn't make a difference for us, only for them: we pay the same amount either way. And if it means we can enjoy topless/naked Aya more, I'm happy to let the neighbours share in the enjoyment for free. ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyway, I'm pretty sure the neighbours can't see inside the house (kitchen etc.) and still Aya keeps her top on there in contrast to before. Let's hope it's just coincidence, and she didn't get talked out of wandering around topless by another girl who is afraid Aya might beat her for top cam bonus. Her friend Oks is more 'exhibitionist' it seems, which is good, but I wish Aya would follow her example more, like she did in the beginning. Edit: it got even worse: 27ยฐC outside, & Aya is now fully dressed as if it'd be barely 20ยฐC... And she made such a promising start... ๐Ÿ˜•
  14. I don't see Carla & Yanai indicated as having left the project. Only Fox & Don. Edit: never mind, I needed to scroll down to see it, because of the later happenings. They're indicated as having left 26th of June. Very sad indeed. Especially because of Don Juan (hopefully RLC can enlist him in some way, but probably not) & guests. And we might never know what the deal with the police raid was now... ๐Ÿ˜ž
  15. As interesting & titillating (haha) Aya was earlier on, as boring she is today... ๐Ÿ˜• I hope this isn't the start of a trend...
  16. She was expecting the neighbours to pay when she walked around topless earlier?... ๐Ÿ˜• Doesn't sound convincing...
  17. Anyone who could tell more on this? What do Mossos & ARRO concern themselves with, compared to other Spanish police forces? Anyway, Carla & Yanai are still not listed as having officially left the project, while Fox & Don, whose cams were switched off later (because of heavy domestic violence), are now officially listed as having left. So there's hope Carla & Yanai will return. I hope so, mainly for their interesting parties & guests, especially Don Juan (not Fox's Don!) & the girls he brings. ๐Ÿ˜‰ And maybe we could even get to know what the deal was with the police raid after all...
  18. Both Fox & Don are listed as having left the project. Could that mean she's still with him?... ๐Ÿ˜•
  19. She said that? She was topless at the pool, after all... And some girls are even naked at the pool, so I'm not sure the neigbours can see a lot, or anything, anyway... You'd think RLC would be careful choosing their villas in regard to that. Besides, I think you can be naked in your own garden in Spain.
  20. A very pretty girl indeed. I hope she stays the night, and her urge to wash will be greater than her urge for modesty (I hope she showers, in other words). Edit: oops, they're on their phones. I hope they're not checking this forum, lol. Maybe I should have kept silent...
  21. I'm a bit sad that Aya doesn't walk around in her bare perky titties anymore... It looked so promising yesterday, but she was mostly blocked from view by others. I hoped for better views & angles from today onwards, but now she's keeping her top on again (despite the temperature). I hope it's just coincidence and some other girl didn't talk her out of it... ๐Ÿ˜ž
  22. I think I like Oks more now than I did when she was in B7. Especially as she introduced us to pretty & perky Aya this time. I wish Aya would get rid of her clothes too, just like Oks. She really looks good undressed.
  23. Who knows... ๐Ÿ˜‰ Most fairy tales were 'sanitized' in the 18th & 19th centuries. The medieval originals were often quite gruesome, and seen as 'unfit for children' from the 18/19th century onwards because of too much sex & horror & violence. Maybe we can expect a new round of fairy tale censorship in the 21st... I read elsewhere prince Charming kissing a non-consenting Sleeping Beauty is now actually an issue for some... I wonder what new end could be devised: "But as she was not in a position to consent, Prince Charming looked upon her longingly (but not too long, so as not to qualify as staring!), but respected her (non-indicated) boundaries so much that he sadly left her to sleep eternally..." The medieval original (or at least some versions, as these kind of tales were rarely written down back then) may very well have been that prince charming fucked her till she woke up, with the seven dwarfs jacking off in the background.
  24. I was raised & have (reasonable) table manners too. I just don't really mind or even notice it when others don't (unless it's really bad, but I don't think that was the case here), especially when they're topless pretty girls, I could care less as I have other things to focus on (two, usually). ๐Ÿ˜‰ As to being raised: some habits of people exist without them being raised for them; most of us probably weren't raised to be voyeurs, for example. Yet here we are... In my case, I was raised rather (not fanatically) Catholic but haven't had any religious feelings at all since late childhood. I still did the Holy Communion thing at age 12 though, for all the nifty presents & money kids get at that occasion. ๐Ÿ˜‰ But that was about it, despite (or because of?) being in catholic schools until I went to university. I never felt the need to convert to another religion either, Christian or otherwise. I decided for myself around age 11-12 religion(s) meant nothing to me, despite how I had been raised. In short, people (especially those with a more critical mindset) don't necessarily do (all) the things they were raised for (which is often a good thing anyway, though not always).
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