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Everything posted by moos54

  1. you have a very selective memory because Amalia and Daniela did not have a threesome on their own 😁 No Bruno, are you kidding? 🤣
  2. I'm disappointed because I thought we had someone on the forum giving us a real prediction, because he posts with great confidence as if it's about was truth On the other hand I realize that it was only bullshit and that in the end there is very little truth in what he says However, I really wanted to believe it when he said that Nana was doing the housework so that the next day she could have a visit from a guy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Never do that again, playing with people's feelings is not okay 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  3. je ne défend aucun intérêt, je suis juste une personne qui aime la logique, par exemple j'aime le football, mais je ne peux regarder que les 5 première minutes du match retransmit sur Canal+ le dimanche soir, ce n'est pas pour autant que je vais insulté canal+ de brouiller leur diffusion alors que je n'ai pas d'abonnement à leur site J'essaye juste de te faire comprendre cela mais apparemment tu n'as pas l'air vouloir comprendre Après s'ils partent avec la caisse, au pire je perdrais qu'un mois d'abonnement, et encore s'ils partent seulement en début de mois mais ton exemple fonctionne avec toutes entreprises où l'on souscrit un abonnement, comme ton assurance, ton fournisseur d'accès à internet, l'eau ou l'électricité, on peut encore citer plein d'exemple comme cela Je n'essaye d'empêcher rien du tout, sinon tes commentaires serait tout simplement supprimé si je le voulais, ce qui n'est pas le cas J'essaye simplement de faire réfléchir les gens, mais faudrait qu'ils donnent un peu du leur pour le faire
  4. Apparemment c'était vers 1h25 du matin ou dans ces horaires, étant premium difficile pour être vraiment précis, c'était quand il y a avait Amy et Ariana avec Tereza et Timur Ce n'est pas parce que RLC a ou avait des caméras gratuites que cela est un dû de leur part, au final ils font ce qu'ils veulent si le besoin se fait sentir Comme je l'ai déjà dit, ils fonctionnent comme la plupart des entreprises où il faut payer pour avoir accès à leur contenu, du jour au lendemain, par exemple canal+ peut ne plus diffuser en clair donc gratuitement leur contenu parce qu'ils l'auront décidé
  5. Ce n'est pas vrai, hier soir plusieurs caméras dont une bonne partie à B5 ont été gratuites pendant quelques temps avant de redevenir payante C'est une stratégie, elle n'est pas forcément bonne mais ça reste une stratégie comme une autre Tout le monde à le droit de ce plaindre sauf qu'il n'y a aucune logique de ce plaindre du manque de gratuité en allant sur un site où l'on doit payer pour avoir accès à leur contenu
  6. I often wonder, then I stop hurting my brain trying to understand you 🤣
  7. or it simply means that it was her turn to do the housework as they share it from time to time each in turn 😁
  8. thank you for the advice, you should apply it to yourself in this case and start making real friends instead of looking for them on the forum 🤣 Me, I like pretty things, Amy is very pretty, so I like to watch her 😉
  9. Amy is always the right answer 😁 The thing that you don't understand is that these girls are friends in real life, long before they become participants and that if they are present at B5, it is not really for RLC but for Tereza. You should be able to figure it out if you had real friends around you
  10. as expected they probably do tests, even if we don't understand them 🤣
  11. Think again, the first times she only changed in the toilet, either off cameras, and she also took the showers in a swimsuit The previous guest that we saw recently and who had gone to portugal with Martina was doing the same thing too So they needed some adaptation time, it took two years for the guest from the last time to get naked in front of the cams By the way, the "nun" left this morning
  12. Thank you for your contributions, indeed you are not the only one to do it but we also see that most of the posts made on the forum in relation to RLC are not necessarily photos and videos sharing but rather generic subject of what participants can or cannot do, that's why I'm saying it won't necessarily affect the content on the forum
  13. Knowing that normally RLC bans all those who publicly share images, I assure you that if you are a member with a subscription of their site, then you are one of the few to publish photos but at the same time if you are a paying member of rlc, then you have access to all their cameras so that would not prevent you from continuing to post 😁
  14. completely agree with you but surely it's easier said than done
  15. I don't think it really impacts the forum in terms of content Those who post videos will always find a way to get access to unreleased videos and it won't really impact daily comments. From what I think, this is probably only a temporary test from them as they seem to be others for several months
  16. the big problem is that you do not take into account the events which impact the world since March 2020 and which folds the cards quite a bit because it is not as easy as before to travel, Babi is lucky to already live in Europe, this is not the case for at least 80% of the girls coming to participate as GOVs
  17. So if I sum up, RLC subscribers and RLC participants haven't done anything against you, so why are you blaming them? I said it before but I'll say it again so it can get into your brain What you do about your war against RLC is more detrimental to the forum than to the site you don't like Especially since RLC really does not give a damn about your moods on the forum, limit you playing their game since they tried to silence us some years ago From the two of us you look more like an RLC agent than my own person
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