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Everything posted by moos54

  1. not true, you can see her topless in her room without hidding
  2. not really, they are Czech
  3. if you talk about this apartment, they aren't Russians 😁
  4. Because it is easier to point out the culprits even if they are only imaginary, the problem is that people do not understand and do not accept their presence at B4 Personally, I don't care about it, they are participants in RLC like the rest of the others. The atmosphere in the house has always been very good and the girls often take advantage of having a man in the house to ask him to do things they could not do.
  5. Because Nelly and Bogdan do not have the same status within the project, they have been in Spain for almost two years now
  6. Rouverture des frontières et de la possibilité de voyager plus facilement Ce qui permet à RLC de pouvoir enfin renouveler le casting, car comme je l'ai déjà dit avant, ça fait depuis le mois de septembre 2020 qu'elles sont présentes à B4 alors qu'en tant normal pour ce genre de concept les filles sont remplacés au bout de 3 ou 4 mois -------------------------- Reopening of borders and the possibility of easier travel This allows RLC to finally be able to renew the casting, because as I said before, it's been since September 2020 that they are present at B4 while as normal for this kind of concept the girls are replaced after 3 or 4 months
  7. I think I can not say the opposite in view of my many comments about her 😁
  8. Bah simplement que Holly et Megan ne voulaient pas partir et qu'elles auraient préféré rester plus longtemps au sein de B4 et de RLC, ce qui prouve que la présence de Nelly et surtout Bogdan n'est vraiment pas un problème Quand tu vis avec les mêmes gens pendant 8 mois, des liens forts se créés c'est indéniable Quoi que tu puisse dire à propos de Bogdan, il a toujours eu une relation de grand frère avec Holly et Megan Mais ce n'est pas Nelly et Bogdan qui décident qui doit rester ou partir, tout comme ce n'est pas eux qui décident qui doit joindre ou rejoindre le projet, ils ne sont présent que pour participer à RLC et aussi gérer l'intendance des divers appartements de Barcelone ---------------- Well simply that Holly and Megan did not want to leave and that they would have preferred to stay longer within B4 and RLC, which proves that the presence of Nelly and especially Bogdan is really not a problem. When you live with the same people for 8 months, strong bonds are created, it is undeniable Whatever you can say about Bogdan, he's always had a big brother relationship with Holly and Megan But it is not Nelly and Bogdan who decide who should stay or leave, just as it is not them who decide who should join or join the project, they are only present to participate in RLC and also manage the stewardship. various apartments in Barcelona
  9. Non pas vraiment, je peux te dire qu'elles auraient préféré rester encore un peu plus longtemps
  10. Do you mean with Leora and Malia? it's a long journey to go to Prague 🤣
  11. In Russia, nothing serious happened between Nelly and another girl
  12. beautiful proof of love in any case, respect my friend
  13. The balcony camera at Nelly and Bogdan's house was installed during work carried out by RLC in the various apartments in Russia a little before they were forced to close the apartments, it must have been in early 2019 No Heidi has never been to Spain, her only participation in RLC was in Moscow She is now married to the guy we saw a few times at R1
  14. This does not prevent you from getting the wrong apartment 😁 I think you're talking about Heidi, she lived with Kamila and Kristy She came home from a party with another girl, a night to remember for many 😉
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