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Everything posted by moos54

  1. From reading a few of his comments, i can safely conclude that he don't like men at all even if it's the girl who is guilty 😉
  2. At the same time in these shows, the girls don't need him to be hard to perform, they just need him to be present to give the illusion that orgy, threesome or foursome are still a possibility. Besides, apart from Loraine, I have a big doubt on the fact that the girls want to fuck with him, just like him with them, the first time he tried something with Amalia, the two girls did well to him understand that he was not there for that 🤣
  3. Comme je viens de le dire, cela n'est pas une critique mais comme tu utilise la traduction pour les anglophones, les propos traduits ne veulent plus rien dire et surtout ils n'ont plus la même sonorité une fois traduit J'ai souvent la faculté de voir les fautes chez les autres plutôt que de voir les miennes et moi même j'ai aussi parfois des soucis d'orthographe ou de conjugaison
  4. J'aime bien fort boyard, certaines participantes valent le détour 🙂 Par contre si je peux me permettre, ne voit pas cela comme une critique mais plus pour un conseil, surtout si tu veux que tes traductions puissent avoir du sens, écrit bien en français sinon ça ne veut rien dire tu utilise le mot "ces" pour vouloir dire "sais" qui vient du verbe savoir D'habitude j'essaye de ne pas trop relever cela mais là c'était trop gros bonne nuit
  5. on the contrary, I think it is important that everyone take into account that there is another possibility than the one given at this moment about Mirukawa After that everyone is free to believe what they want, moreover everyone is free to make videos of the different conversations of Mirukawa and have them translated either by a translator like the one from google, or by someone who understands the Russian or Czech language As they say back home, we are never better served than by ourselves 😉
  6. Si ça ne sert à rien, pourquoi veut tu quand même le savoir? Où est la logique dans tes propos? Personnellement ça fait un moment que je suis passé à autre chose La seule chose que j'ai dite c'est que les propos de Matzing contient une bonne partie d'informations erronés et très incomplètes et qu'il comble les trous avec ce qu'il pense être une vérité Désolé d'être une personne ayant des valeurs et des principes, il va falloir que tu vienne te plaindre à ma maman qui m'a donné cette éducation En aucun cas je n'essaye de narguer qui que ce soit et je prend beaucoup plus de plaisir à regarder Mirukawa dans l'appartement
  7. I still don't understand where you are coming from of course she acts differently depending on who she is, of course she has a different relationship to Bogdan, Nelly or Alberto, but she has the same different relationship when she is with her best friend or Alberto this is why I say that Martina remains the same person whether she is at B4, at home or elsewhere in the world because she acts exactly the same way the only thing that changes is just your perception of her
  8. That doesn't prevent me from being right, depending on who we are with, we act differently, it's just human because we adapt to our audience Maybe one day, when you grow up, you might understand it, until then i see you next time 😁
  9. So if I understand correctly you don't act the same if there are children with you, thank you to you, you just proved that I was right and for all that you allow yourself to say that I am a liar and false, I invite you to look at yourself in the mirror
  10. So you are telling me that you are the same depressive and negative man on the forum and in everyday life with your friends and your children, meals at your home must be very nice 🤣 Sorry to say that but yes you do not necessarily act the same way when you are with friends or with members of your family, I can hardly see myself making schoolboy jokes to my parents 😀
  11. where do you see her changing her behavior? because I always see the same Martina, whether she is at B4 or at her place
  12. you know that with your premium member status, you can click on the + icon which allows you to multi quote, and like that you can quote a message from 38 to 39
  13. yes they speak more or less the same language except that when they speak only Ukrainian, I am not sure that the Russians can understand them
  14. Normally that is not her either, she passed the hand since Bogdan and Nelly returned as participants in B4
  15. even Spain isn't their responsability, it is someone above them who makes the decisions in terms of casting or else
  16. how many were there at this party? 10-20 In the end, it is not that expensive if everyone only has to pay 40 or 50 euros, knowing that there is the drink, the food and especially the DJ included in the price.
  17. this is why it is better to ask for everyone's participation before celebrating like this so as not to have to run after money
  18. I speak French and it's not an easy language, even for a French like me 🤣
  19. she's just a girl who was with the girls at their midday meal and looks like she drank a little too much
  20. it's because you shouldn't look at Masha in her apartment🤣
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