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Everything posted by moos54

  1. The rents can be an explanation, in any case the apartment of Anabel and Efim was far from being free
  2. Yeah it was really good, really a shame that RLC had to close the apartments in Russia and not yet succeeded in doing the same thing in another country when they surely have the opportunity to do it, now with the covid I think it is more complicated to try this You're right now RLC is like that
  3. No because she has already asked for the approval of Mister for an affair with Holly She just replaced Holly with Gina
  4. It was the time when there were only couples and the COV / GOV or Roomates concept did not exist I don't know if we can tell if it was better then or now I arrived in 2015, RLC was developing in all sectors, whether couples, Roomates or GoV I am nostalgic for this time with R1 and R2 and for the life of Russian couples in general It's a shame that RLC can't or won't do the same in Spain or the Czech Republic as they had in Russia
  5. There have been very few girls on RLC doing this sort of thing, from memory to B2 there was Michelle who is or was a real camgirl, and you must have two or three girls who had to do this a few times but not as a real job There was the guest who lived with Carina and Sabrina And Sophia, Masha's girlfriend But there have never been many shows like this as it can often be on VHTV For Aleksandra, I remain convinced that she is doing this for her boyfriend, it allows to leave the flame of the relationship still active, it was also the same for Miroslava
  6. it's always the same with you, you advocate respecting your point of view and your opinions but I don't have the impression that there is reciprocity on your part towards others Moreover, there is no lack of respect in our comments, we only point the finger at the inconsistencies coming from your behavior within the forum Be honest for once, I know you have the right not to like this couple, except that you don't like them for what they do or are in the apartment, you only decided not to love them just when you found out that Zac was a friend of Cesar
  7. So if I understand correctly, it's only Real life for Carla and Yanai's guests? they have the right to be naked or to fuck from the first night in the apartment, it doesn't really shock you On the other hand, if a girl comes to look at her breasts in the mirror because they seem to be recently redone, it is typical Barca house and it is only a show, because of course Zac is a friend of Cesar It's funny and sad at the same time to see how you can have a completely biased opinion when you have an already preconceived idea of things
  8. So if I understand correctly people are complaining because we have a young couple who like to have sex often, you should know what you want Strangely, I am convinced that these people who complain do it simply because Zac is a friend of Cesar and he has already come to B2 whereas if it was a couple having no connection with other participants these same people would find them awesome 🤣 I also find it strange that these same people do not complain about Martina and Alberto or Linda and Tibor who have one or more sex every day. too bad to see how we can lose all objectivity so easily
  9. From what I have read, Spain does not seem to want to put in place a new containment In my country, France, some departments have put in place a curfew starting at 6 p.m. until 6 a.m. while the rest of the country has a curfew starting at 8 p.m. The figures are not very good but we are not yet in figures as alarming as what is happening in England who have put in place a total containment
  10. The only restrictions in Spain at the moment is a simple curfew from a certain time so that does not prevent you from leaving your home either during the day
  11. They seem to just be looking at things on Holly's phone, I feel like it's a video call with someone the two girls seem to know, but I don't know who
  12. I don't know why but I find her changed positively since the beginning of this year and suddenly I find that she shines
  13. if so, Malia's week of vacation is simply canceled due to new restriction following covid19 and it has nothing to do with Leora's health
  14. Fumer est immoral? Es tu vraiment sérieux? La cigarette existe depuis la nuit des temps mais cela est immoral, donc tout les fumeurs vont aller en enfer vue que c'est immoral, franchement tu n'as pas l'impression de prendre les choses trop à coeur sur ce sujet? J'ai l'impression que c'est aussi répréhensible que de tuer quelqu'un La paquet pourra avoir autant d'images des méfaits du tabac et le paquet pourra bien coûter 20 euros que tu auras toujours des personnes pour les acheter Tant qu'il y aura de la demande, tu aura du produit
  15. Qu'est ce qui est injustifiable? la cigarette? je te signale qu'elle est en vente libre ce n'est pas parce que toi tu n'aime pas cela et que tu es contre que cela doit être la norme
  16. C'est aussi un mauvais comportement de manger trop gras ou boire trop sucrer et cela génère aussi des problèmes de santé tout en coûtant de l'argent à la sécurité sociale mais on ne peut pas vraiment tout interdire sinon on ne vit plus Je n'aime pas la cigarette mais je comprend l'utilité pour certain qui en ont besoin pour se sentir mieux même si cela leur coûtera leur santé à un moment donner
  17. A ce compte la il faut tout interdire car la plupart des choses que l'on jette sur le sol polluent Je tiens à préciser que je suis non fumeur et que j'essaye de respecter notre planète autant que je peux Le problème c'est plus le comportement des individus si tu veux mon avis
  18. moos54


    this shows once again that the behavior of two or three people gives a bad image of the section and does not make you want to see the other comments which are probably more interesting Usually I'm not a big fan of politics On the other hand, thank you because with your words and my explanations, we have just proven that I am not necessarily wrong about the fact that the bad atmosphere within the public forum can have an effect on the desire of members to come to express themselves
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