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Everything posted by moos54

  1. it's crazy to see the number of people who overreact to what they can see without understanding the events
  2. Because it's Samson, Simon isn't his real name
  3. Moi je te dis juste que pour tout ce que tu cite, je pense sincèrement que tu te trompe Tu oubli simplement que les participants ont leur libre arbitre et que personne ne leur dit quoi faire, ils sont assez grand pour prendre leur propre décision Si rlc avait autant de pouvoir que tu le dit sur ce que les participants font, alors nous n'aurions jamais eu de problème avec Mariam et Severina à B1
  4. Tu as beaucoup trop d'imagination et tu donne beaucoup trop de pouvoir à RLC ou Bogdan
  5. It's not because you are unable to find information that everyone is like you, some are more talented than others, you have to accept it 🤣
  6. maybe "pornstar" is a little too much for what she already did in her career, she is just a porn actress like thousand others in this country 😁
  7. Without wanting to take sides with anyone, you simply suffer the consequences of your behavior towards the various men who have recently come to the apartment, there are certain rules to follow and these seem to have been broken. I wonder what the man there two nights ago might say and how you treated him ...
  8. You better watch them then, there's no doubt that there are feelings between them, just have to see how Elli looks at Vencel to realize it or how they are glued to each other when they have guests Just because it looks like their sex feels unnatural doesn't mean they're not a real couple.
  9. Maybe because they aren't living in this country
  10. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording 😉
  11. For a girl as prudish and shy as you seem to describe her, she is still naked on her bed 😁 If you want to see a real prude and shy girl, just watch Valerya 😉🤣
  12. The funniest thing with her is to see that she turns off the light in the bathroom but that she shows herself naked in full light in the bedroom showing us her beautiful breasts and her hairy pussy 😁
  13. I like her She's not so shy if tou look really what she does
  14. Not their first time They are more Tibors's client for works meeting
  15. Elle n'a simplement pas un ventre plat comme beaucoup de monde Elle est pas mal et surtout pas timide Sans mentir, je ne suis pas pressé de voir revenir Masha
  16. Ce n'est pas parce qu'elles sont parties en même temps de B4 qu'elles sont forcément ensemble
  17. RLC uploaded when they weren't in the apartment yet and arrived with their suitcases to move in a little after And I remain convinced that this "vacation" was planned before they arrived in the project The fact that we have already seen them as a guests at Gyana and Dantez, often to plan roadbooks between couples, tells me that they left with Gyana and Dantez Hoping that Valerya loses her shyness during the trip 😁
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