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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Nobody's forcing you to watch either 😁 this is not a personal attack but i'm tired of seeing people discriminating against people just because they don't like the way they are as if they are superior question yourself before judging others That was my rant because it's been going on for quite a while now
  2. I don't see how there would be a relationship between their problems and the fact that they are on RLC They were there before they got married and after this one Their issues, if any, are way more complicated than just being on RLC so whether it's with or without a cam, I'm not sure it can really help them.
  3. I feel like Linda and Tibor are also about to leave RLC soon
  4. life is expensive and having an apartment with RLC surely allows different couples to save money because I assume that RLC pays all the costs People don't forbid Esenia to find a job, that's what Dima did working for DHL, now is that enough to pay rent, maybe not You have to blame Esenia for her behavior, Dima seems to put in a lot of effort but this girl is often a prison door, however you can also see that they still have a great relationship
  5. Yes she wants all that but without the cams 😁 Dima is a good guy, Vencel too If you want compare the two apartments then it's Esenia who is like Vencel, all day doing nothing instead watching computer or playing video games 😁
  6. I don't think you understood that Esenia was not made to live in an apartment with cameras, theirs suits her well because she can do a lot of things without being seen by them, and when I say a lot thing, it's especially all the things where she gets naked 😁
  7. you should watch right now, the couple who isn't made for the project for you and others are fucking openly in the living room with light on they are so afraid about the cams 🤣
  8. what? they are more open than Esenia and she's on rlc since a almost a year 😏
  9. yet they traveled sexually this morning from the kitchen to the couch 😁
  10. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  11. You have ten days to do it now 😁
  12. If you listen the discussion with Venera and the Guest, i don't think they are already married
  13. it seems difficult to me because there is no water jet in the bed 🤣
  14. tu as toujours le même problème que ce soit avec eux ou avec les autres qui sont venus avant, donc remet toi en question 😁
  15. It can't be worse than Kitty and Smith and they stayed years in the project
  16. She was tenant in B3 as Couple on Vacation I let you conclude what you want from this 😁
  17. Except that the starting point is whether she would do something( i suppose sex) in front of the cams, and I sincerely think it's not for Zara and Dana for my part, I put the masturbation of these two girls on the same level as the nudity of Serafima, in both cases it is made to please the cams Serafima too
  18. Is she so different from others like Zara, Dana, Zhanna, Lara, Britney, Kimberly or Aziza? A boring girl with a nice pussy and big tits 😁
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