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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Well done Coronavirus: he dies at 30 after having participated in a "covid party" It's a very special type of evening, which we were talking about a few days ago ... and which very logically made its first victims. Sometimes until death. Many evenings have been recorded in Alabama (United States), but it seems that they exist throughout the country. The one that led to the death of a 30-year-old young man took place in Texas, in the southern United States. This young thirties died in the hospital, shortly after having participated in a "covid evening". The principle: do everything to be infected first by a sick person, sometimes with the aim of winning a prize pool. At the Methodist hospital in San Antonio, Dr. Jane Appleby sees patients 20 to 30 years old succeed one another. The man who died this week thought the covid-19 was "just a hoax," she said. And he had therefore participated, carefree, in a "covid-party", according to the doctor interviewed on NBC. "He thought he was invincible when he was young and that he would not get sick. One of the most upsetting things was that he said to his nurse, 'I think I made a mistake,'" says Jane Appleby. The doctor decided to communicate on this case not to frighten but to remind that anyone can get sick, regardless of age: "I don't want to be alarmist, but we are just trying to make people understand that this virus is very dangerous and it can spread easily, "she explains. "I call on everyone and especially young people to take this disease seriously," she concludes.
  2. it seems that the evening is finished a bit like that according to the various information that we have on the forum After that I only made a dash of humor because I have no idea what actually happened But on the other hand I hope that these girls can learn lessons from this kind of mishap because we will say that this evening ended rather well in spite of everything and it would be a shame to see them end in a sort of "news item"
  3. boyfriend may be a too strong word She fucks with a guy, we will have to wait before talking about boyfriend or lasting relationship
  4. I have the impression that it is a thing common to all the guests who come to visit Long live to Bachata
  5. yes I think that those who want parties with guests, expect nothing in particular from its events except to spend a good evening watching good entertainment And above all it allows to wake up our voyeuristic eye because RLC at the start it is a site for this kind of thing I see it like that and I take nice little moments as a bonus
  6. depuis autant de temps que je me souvienne, donc depuis que je suis membre, environ 5 ans, ils ont toujours agit comme cela Sauf que maintenant, surement à cause de la pandémie, ils perdent beaucoup d'audience , donc je pense que ce n'est plus vraiment la bonne stratégie que de bannir des membres pour partage de leur contenu Au vue de la situation et du déclin depuis deux mois de RLC, il serait presque judicieux de faire un partenariat avec CC car nous gagnons en vue, donc pouvons éventuellement attiré de nouveaux abonnés pour leur site Ce n'est pas pour rien qu'ils ont décidé d'ouvrir à nouveau plein de caméras gratuites alors que la tendance de ces derniers mois c'était plus le retrait de celles ci ^^
  7. Why? Do you think a good party with friends with pretty girls is worth nothing? For what it's worth, we could see a topless girl and one of the couples is well heated on the sofa, they were unfortunately interrupted by Carla who wanted to retrieve a matela which is in the room without camera between the corridor and the living room Still we could see her pussy, and it's already pretty good and a very welcome bonus 😉 So I don't know if you think the members wasted their time or not, for my part, I don't think I lost mine, this kind of party and apartment allows us to go back to what RLC was before the loss of russians apartments
  8. In any case, nothing will happen before the early morning like every party, it lasts a long time and then it all depends on who has to stay to sleep, I think we will have the same couple as last night and the best of luck would be the couple of this morning
  9. Because we were just told, if they did it with these two girls, I guess they must have done the same thing with the couple this morning
  10. They passed the message, now to see how the different guests, who now have the information, will evolve with the cameras, it makes me want to put everyone to bed now ^^
  11. thank you it's nice to enlighten us What I find strange is that I do not have the impression that these girls have tried to do it unless I missed something of the evening Good it is a pity, you break my delirium because I would like a real roomate apartment with the girlfriends of Carla
  12. all couples who was here at the beginning of the party are back
  13. I don't know what Yanai and Carla can say to the two girls on the balcony especially since there is no sound and it is difficult to hear with the kitchen camera but that sounds serious, I hope it's to tell the girls that RLC will open a roomate apartment in Barcelona
  14. Surely RLC themselves because they prohibit any sharing of their content Besides, I don't know if it's always a good idea for them to do this when they are losing more and more people on their site Sorry for you
  15. So I'm not going to say that I have Spanish origins through my great grandparents
  16. What is certain is that they all have a passion for dance and that they do it better than me
  17. I don't see the connection, she is still absent every Friday night and only returns on Saturday morning for several weeks now, sometimes she even disappears all weekend, and you don't really know what she does with her ass while she is not present You will have to remove the blinders because Leora has become a real GOV
  18. So Leora would have the right to disappear for a whole night but the girls of B4 would not have the same right to do it? it's kind of hilarious as logic you have
  19. You will be in depression if they close these apartments because you will not be able to evacuate all your hatred and your venom in this case
  20. Young people unfortunately do feel less concerned because it is not the most deadly age group, they simply forget that they can endanger their parent or grandparent In the United States, students hold covid parties to be able to get sick and at the same time touch a pot So in the end, what they do here in Spain, at Carla's, it stays soft
  21. I agree but like everywhere, as long as we respect the framework of the law, then we think that we fear nothing After I find it strange to be remonstrated with a small group of people even when leaders of countries hold meetings to be re-elected in several months without any health rules or when other advocates that it is only a gripette while taking crowds I don't know who are the most dangerous in the end
  22. Do you know the sanitary rules of Spain before saying that they do not respect what is happening in the world? I'm pretty sure it's okay to meet as a small committee as they do
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