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Everything posted by moos54

  1. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  2. 😁 RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  3. they just celebrate Saint Nicolas, it's a party with several characters, they do it every year
  4. At the same time, Taylor has always been honest with Red, telling her on their first date that she wasn't looking for another long relationship. Both girls were ok with it being just sex and nothing more Taylor is coming out of two long relationships, including the one with Piper, and she needs more adventures
  5. She's alone and she's wearing clothes, that's crazy 🤣
  6. When the girls all go on excursions together, the only one left at B4 is often Tani, while Tim is not present. So what makes you think it's only Tim holding her? Whether he's present or not doesn't change anything for Tani because she wouldn't go there anyway 😁
  7. I understood, I wanted to see if you had a sense of humor, but I see that you still don't have one and that you are becoming a lost cause Especially your language is really starting to annoy me
  8. So you already have a masturbation of a girl who never came to RLC before being Tani's guest since a few days You are too strong as an expert in terms of masturbation 😁
  9. I don't want to break your bubble but it is very unlikely that we will be able to see her again in view of her family life with her child and her husband, but let's not completely rule out this possibility because several girls who have also had a child were also participating 😉
  10. It was really nice to have his two little new ones who stayed a long time, we were able to experience their joys and their pain during all these months especially with the current context with the events in their country We were able to discover several of their friends and especially their mother, that's the way of real life i like Thanks to the girls, I immediately had a preference for Zabava from her first day and what an evolution on her part, first shower in a bikini and then a fanfare finale having found a partner Good luck for the future
  11. Franchement relis tes propos et tu verra que celui qui dit des âneries, c'est bien toi Tu n'as jamais vue les filles payer leur courses mais tu n'as aucun doute qu'elles le font, par contre, tu n'as jamais vue non plus le petit ami de Zabava payer pour les courses, mais tu es certain qu'il vit au crocher de Zabava, c'est marrant de voir les choses de deux manières différentes pour le même événement Voir les choses, c'est bien, les comprendre, c'est mieux 🤔 Ils parlent ensembles en Anglais, ce qui semble plus facile pour comprendre certaines choses, et contrairement à toi, certains membres donnent de l'importance sur ce qu'ils ont pu se dire pendant le temps qu'ils étaient présent dans les appartements de RLC
  12. Désolé mais je n'ai jamais vue les filles payer non plus leur courses vue que c'est fait en dehors des caméras 🤔 Donc toi aussi tu enjolives les choses car tu as décidé des choses par rapport à lui sans connaitre et comprendre le contexte de la situation Tu te permet de juger sans savoir
  13. At the same time, we don't know what he does for a living
  14. Since this apartment is opened with Carla and Yanai 😁
  15. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  16. Third 😁 Don't worry she isn't shy for nudity
  17. Whatever happens in the apartments of the couples, these do not necessarily generate a lot of comments, just look at the apartment of Venera and Lion, who often fuck and who also receive guests quite often, or the apartment of Jul and Val I don't think you should really trust the forum comments which are far from revealing the truth about RLC subscribers and what they watch
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