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Everything posted by moos54

  1. yes i am serious sorry for you if you think everything is fake or everything is planned, I can tell you that no
  2. At the beginning i had read this article A Moselle doctor notes the effectiveness of an azithromycin-based protocol Two Moselle doctors and one of their Belgian sisters seem to have developed an effective drug combination against the coronavirus. Relying on azithromycin without resorting to the hydroxychloroquine advocated by the infectiologist Didier Raoult, they noted a clear drop in hospitalizations for their treated patients. He walks like a wolf knowing the thorny subject, but he is none the less enthusiastic. General practitioner at Créhange, Jean-Jacques Erbstein tested on his patients affected by the coronavirus, a medication protocol excluding the controversial hydroxychloroquine, but highlighting azithromycin which also enters into the therapeutic combination advocated by the professor from Marseille Didier Raoult. And his observations are amazing. "For the past fifteen days that I have been experimenting with this formula, I have no longer died or been hospitalized," says the practitioner. Cautious The treatment, combining several active substances, stems from discussions conducted on the medical Facebook group "Le Divan des médecins" with a Mosellan colleague, Denis Gastaldi, and a Belgian colleague, Olivia Van Steen Berghe. “We thought about therapeutic alternatives together, saying that when it comes to hydroxychloroquine, we would remain cautious. Professor Raoult speaks of an association between hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. However, this last drug, I know it very well and I like it very much because it has three recognized properties: it is an antibiotic of the family of macrolides, it stimulates an antiviral reaction whereas it is not a antiviral, and it has an anti-inflammatory action on the lungs. I prescribe it for long-term people who have chronic bronchitis because it avoids secondary infections and iterative hospitalizations. " With azithromycin, Jean-Jacques Erbstein combined Singulair, a molecule used in the treatment of asthma for its anti-inflammatory action. "Then, we thought about incorporating zinc into the protocol to strengthen the action of azithromycin," continues the doctor. Then, lastly, in order to curb the complications of phlebitis and pulmonary embolism, a daily injection of an anticoagulant, heparin, was added to the protocol at a "preventive dose". Empirical method “Since applying this protocol, it's simple, we no longer have hospitalization. I have had positive feedback on around thirty patients. Doctor Gastaldi, over a hundred. And Doctor Olivia Van Steen Berghe, also in his thirties, "enumerates Jean-Jacques Erbstein, while specifying that his conclusions are not based on a consolidated scientific study:" Of course, there is no comparison. Our method is very empirical. But the result is there. " Treatment is given at the start of the disease when the infection is diagnosed. "Coincidence, the fruit of chance, I don't know ... In any case, it seems to be going well", concludes the therapist who has systematized his medication and is convinced that there is material for further reflection on the use of this antibiotic against Covid-19 at a time when everyone is "focusing on hydroxychloroquine, without really taking an interest in azithromycin", predominant in Professor Raoult's protocol. link for french people Coronavirus | Un médecin mosellan constate l’efficacité d’un protocole à base d’azithromycine WWW.ESTREPUBLICAIN.FR Deux médecins mosellans et l’une de leurs consœurs belges semblent avoir mis au point une combinaison médicamenteuse...
  3. Here I found an article compared to what I said about a treatment without chloroquine and which does just as well even if it is not really tested in the laboratories Coronavirus: three general practitioners believe they have found a possible cure Two doctors from the Great East and one from the North have implemented a treatment protocol based on azithromycin. With, they say, results on their patients affected by Covid-19. Three general practitioners who exchanged on a Facebook group have they found a Covid-19 parade usable on a very large scale? Denis Gastaldi, Jean-Jacques Erbstein and Olivia Vansteenberghe, respectively doctors in Morhange, Créhange (Moselle) and Wormhout (North) prefer to remain very cautious, while expressing their great hopes. Dr. Gastaldi assures the Parisian-Today in France that the trio has tested a treatment on several hundred patients in a formidably effective manner. His colleague Dr. Erbstein spoke on Saturday in the East of the Republic, advancing less extensive figures . Their combination of drugs is based on the research of Professor Raoult , their knowledge of other treatments and a good dose of pragmatism. "It's very empirical," explains Dr. Gastaldi. The three of us discussed the possible treatments. As we could not use hydroxychloroquine in the protocol of Pr Didier Raoult (Editor's note: general practitioners are not authorized to prescribe this molecule), we wondered if azithromycin could not be the basis of treatment. Especially since we realize that hydroxychloroquine is not that miraculous. Azithromycin has the advantage of being an antibiotic, but also of having an action on viruses and an anti-inflammatory activity on the pulmonary parenchyma (Editor's note: the functional tissue of the lungs) . " And to continue: “We thought about what could increase the effect of this drug. Zinc is very effective for this. Two Effizinc capsules are added to the protocol. Still empirically, Singulair, used in people with asthma, has been added for its role as an anti-inflammatory on interstitial lung tissue. In severe forms, heparin is added in low doses to prevent thrombosis, phlebitis and pulmonary embolism, which are common with coronavirus. One of the sine qua non conditions is to start this treatment at the first symptoms, not to wait until being in intensive care. " Encouraging results If the cocktail born from conversations on the Facebook group “Le Divan des Médecins”, which lists 13,600 practitioners, may seem difficult to understand for the uninitiated, the results presented by the trio seem encouraging. "For the past few weeks, the three of us have prescribed this treatment to all of our coronavirus patients," explains Denis Gastaldi. Personally, this represents more than 200 patients. I have had only two serious cases requiring hospitalization which have since been released. Obviously, this is not a multicenter, randomized study, but these are very interesting results. If one relies on known data on the disease, out of at least 200 cases, one should have had at least two deaths and around forty hospitalizations. " Doctor Gastaldi assures that his patient base is made up of patients of all ages, some with additional risk factors (comorbidities) . Doctor Erbstein, who had to deplore six deaths since the beginning of the epidemic in his patient base, notably made up of former miners, explained in the Republican East: “For fifteen days that I have been experimenting with this formula, I have no longer neither death nor hospitalization ”. Aware of the limits of their approach In addition to the absence of study mentioned by the practitioner, the trio is perfectly aware of the limits in terms of researching its approach. The cases treated have not been tested positive for Covid-19, contrary to what Professor Raoult is putting in place, and for good reason, patients in city offices do not enter the beneficiaries of the tests defined by the health authorities strategy. Dr. Gastaldi himself was affected by Covid-19, as confirmed by a serological test which he has carried out since. He self-prescribed his protocol. “I was not well on Friday and on Monday I worked. It may not be due to the treatment, but it is the feedback that almost all the patients to whom I apply: after three days, they tell me that they are fine. " Unlike hydroxychloroquine, whose cardiac effects are reported , the doctor is reassuring about the experimented protocol and hopes that it will develop in the medical community: "Azithromycin is widely prescribed every winter in children and adults , without side effects. There is no reason to deprive yourself of it at the first symptom. It would be great to save lives! " A message rather addressed to his fellow practitioners than a candidacy for a Nobel Prize in medicine. "It is not at all our role to enter into a protocol of validation by the authorities, believes the doctor Mosellan. I will tell you, the studies that will give us results in six months, when the epidemic is over, I don't care. What interests me are my patients. Inevitably, this will enter a protocol at some point, coming back to the ears of specialists, but we must be humble. We are in Lorraine, in Moselle, in the North, we try to do our job as best as possible, so that there are as few deaths as possible. " link of this article for french people Coronavirus : trois médecins généralistes pensent avoir trouvé un possible remède WWW.LEPARISIEN.FR Deux médecins du Grand Est et une du Nord ont mis en place un protocole de soin à base d’azithromycine. Avec, disent-ils, des...
  4. From what I read from the WHO, covid-19 would be ten times more deadly than a simple flu, so I let you do the calculations on the potential mortality without confinement of the population as we know it right now Yes, there will surely be negative effects once this crisis is over, but for the moment the urgency is the protection of the population After the difference is that in France we have more job security and better compensation even if we lose money The problem with confinement is that there is no collective immunity and without that you must be able to immunize the population with a vaccine without having to want to have a second wave of mortality it's true that the repercussions are going to be hard for the world after, In the end, there is no miracle solution and you have to make choices
  5. Dead people no longer pay anything so it is probably better to damage the economy than to lose a population that will be profitable later Unfortunately this question of profitability can only really arise once the virus is gone Not everyone is at a standstill, some companies have never stopped but have adapted to this situation
  6. she must love them but in another way and then it's hard to agree on everything with people
  7. Anyone can make mistakes in life and then I didn't say she was perfect
  8. CC is a forum, we are not a sex site So please do not mix the two things otherwise we will be forced to take action There is the possibility of making private messages within this forum for this kind of thing if you want or it is preferable to send this kind of message on the webcam site of this model, and this site is not Camcaps
  9. this public forum is not made for that thank you
  10. that's what I call love and passion, there's also that kind of thing
  11. The number of people hospitalized remains a good indicator of the presence of the virus in each country. You yourself said that you were in a country and in a region where the containment rules are not strict, this does not say that zero risk does not exist but that scientists and politicians believe that there is surely less risk of propagation in this one, each to take responsibility In her country yes, in my country no end of the conversation
  12. it is not present in the same way everywhere on this planet In my country, this virus hurts and kills people so I take my responsibilities by staying at home, at the same time I have no choice since my country has taken very strict containment decisions Some countries have been more considerate in closing the borders before this virus moves, moreover it does it only if people move themselves If the virus is more or less under control and the country does not take strict measures then it is that they think that people can move around and do things normally
  13. As I said before, each country acts differently in front of this virus, not all countries are equally impacted Everyone is free to do what they want as long as they respect the instructions of their country, in Russia there are very few cases according to the government and the leaders have taken only measures for the city of Moscow, we will see if they were right to do nothing for the other regions of the country So in conclusion,in Russian VH apartments they do nothing wrong considering that this is allowed in their country
  14. whether Elettra's boyfriend is present or not, I don't really see a big difference, the girls are always locked in their room anyway At least while he is present Elettra is happy and in love, I prefer that to Elettra smashing with alcohol and drugs
  15. Not all countries manage this pandemic in the same way Russia has no strict confinement, only Moscow is really impacted the russian president made the surprising choice of sobriety: a confinement left to the appreciation of the regions It's a bit the same for the United States, the whole country is not in containment
  16. I can't find the article I read anymore Actually he uses the antibiotic with two other things but I don't know what exactly Since chloroquine remains a controversial drug especially for its harmful side effects, he tried something else I myself am not a doctor but if one of them happens to have the same figures with another method, I find it interesting for everyone
  17. All I know is that chloroquine is always associated with an antibiotic, it is never taken alone, normally most doctors follow this protocol implemented by this famous doctor that you mentioned now if another doctor achieves the same healing results by not using chloroquine but only the antibiotic, I tell myself that maybe we can dig into the question of what is a real drug that treats people
  18. yes it is the same doctor who discovered this drug when the pandemic became important on the other hand another doctor near my home arrives at the same results as him but without chloroquine, on the other hand he uses the antibiotic which is generally used to help chloroquine So in the end, not sure that it is chloroquine that works miracles
  19. one thing is certain, we are now living in confinement better with the internet than if it did not exist I find the days shorter, I am single and I live in an apartment without balcony I've been at home for 4 weeks now without having stepped outside, strongly end of this pandemic so that I can see those I love again
  20. yeah but hey you look at naked girls on the internet, we are far from real world
  21. Chinese girls here tonight now I understand why he changed the sheets this afternoon I wonder if she came with gloves to do her inspections
  22. ce Nougat a était banni par les modérateurs du forum, donc normalement son post n'est plus valide
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