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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Je ne défend pas RLC c'est juste que je ne vois pas en quoi c'est leur responsabilité si les personnes qui vivent dans leur appartement sortent de chez eux et s'ils sont irresponsables Comme toute entreprise, ils sont juste responsable à la limite de devoir fournir le nécessaire en masque de protection, gants et gel hydroalcoolique Par exemple, si tu vis avec des personnes chez toi, es tu responsables de leur acte s'ils ne respectent pas le confinement alors que c'est ta maison? Donc ça voudrait dire que c'est toi qui devrait payer les amendes des autres et au pire faire de la prison par ce que eux n'ont pas respecter les règles Ne vois tu pas toute l'incohérence de ta réflexion?
  2. Ce sont les personnes qui vivent dans les appartements qui sont responsables de leur actes, je ne vois pas en quoi cela devrait être la responsabilité de RLC
  3. it is interesting to read what athletes who have had this virus can experience This virus manages to nail these people with great fatigue and respiratory problems and they are doing quite well because they have a big physical condition But not everyone does sport and does not have this physical condition, that's why many people find themselves in intensive care so that we can help them breathe better This is why I do not understand people who cannot stay at home for more than five minutes during this confinement of 4 to 6 weeks, it is irresponsible for others but also for either in the end, because we do not really know what symptom we could develop if we have this disease, and personally I do not want to know the answer
  4. no she had no health problems I’m almost certain that this is also the case for those between 40 and 60 years old Yes this virus primarily kills weak people who have other health problems but it puts people in intensive care while they are in good health The problem is that if these people were not in respiratory distress, we could surely better treat the elderly suffering from this virus. The problem is the same for all countries, they plan to save young people at the expense of others because unfortunately you have to know how to make this difficult choice
  5. Au moment du début de la maintenance, oui elle et Hakeem étaient présent dans l'appartement Au retour de la maintenance, ils étaient absent et un des écrans d'ordinateur d'Hakeem était tourné la seule mise au point, c'est d'avoir surement eu de la visite d'une société, et aussi la possibilité pour RLC de résoudre les problème de streaming, car j'ai l'impression que ça fonctionne mieux depuis Non Madame Red n'a pas d'arrangement avec RLC, d'ailleurs je suis persuadé qu'elle ne connait même pas l'existence de ce site et de ce que peut faire Hakeem quand elle n'est pas présente
  6. Ou dans mon lit perso je préfère mon idée 😁
  7. I don't think she's playing with us, it's just that nudity is the maximum she can do at the moment, and I can watch her every day without being fed up 😍 Knowing that not all women on earth necessarily masturbate, I don't see why Malia should be forced to do it
  8. with everything that's going on right now, yes i agree with you it's not very responsible we will say that it was the best evening of non-confinement during confinement
  9. We still had a lot of Carla's friend who went through the shower, and for me a naked girl in the different apartments, it's still a victory
  10. Especially that beyond spreading the disease which can endanger the lives of others, in the end they endanger their own lives, because there are some deaths of young people in good health, so zero risk does not exist not
  11. yes they have a high contaminated population but they don't have a lot of deaths in comparison Simply because they have tested a large part of the population and they have confined the patients quickly before the disease reaches the weakest
  12. South Korea or even Russia are countries very close to China and it is normal that they were more foresighted They must have memories of 2002, so they are much better prepared than the rest of us. And then being totalitarian regimes, when we tell them to stay confined, they listen, while we in democratic countries we think we have all the rights, we see what happens now, we count the dead by thousand when it surely could have been avoidable
  13. I especially think that the United States and Europe did not expect to be hit as hard by this virus, they underestimated this one by thinking that it would not do too much damage, a little like the SRAS of 2002 where was the most affected Asian countries but the rest of the world was fairly quiet So no country was really ready to receive it and each country had to make emergency decisions, I have the impression that only Germany has taken this virus seriously we will have to hold lessons so that it can never happen again
  14. she was back all the time, you would not have had a better view with the camera 11
  15. Bah elle sait pourquoi elle est venue et Carla est une vraie complice dans l'histoire, elle voulait se faire baiser, elle a eu se qu'elle voulait juste un peu étrange qu'ils l'ont fait en sachant que Yanai et Carla était présent pas loin et surtout pas endormis ^^
  16. Non ce n'est pas le même gars en effet Elle est déjà venue deux ou trois fois avec un autre mais ils n'ont jamais rien fait de sexuel On l'avait déjà vue topless une fois dans la chambre de Carla mais elle n'avait jamais prit de douche non plus Du coup c'est sympa d'avoir oublié la présence de la cam 12 😁 Donc c'est une bonne soirée non confinement même si je ne cautionne pas 🙂
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