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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Not at the beginning The water was a little too hot, or it was Nice I vote for Nice 😁
  2. Without doubting that you've been a premium member of RLC for years, this is not the first time you're wrong about who the participants are or you do not understand what you can see As I just said, some people on the forum are much better informed and can be more assiduous than you can be and I consider it not a shame to confess when we make mistakes I can 100% confirm that on Kate's case, you're wrong I do not know why RLC gave us this information in relation to her relationship with Kristy, the only thing I know is that she never came to Moscow apartment
  3. Maybe Ed did not use the right words to express himself, but when you have 3 or 4 people who say more or less the same thing while you're the only person to say anything else, it may be good to question yourself and say that in the end you are making a mistake I know you have your own vision of things but some people on this forum are better informed than you can be, it's not a criticism, just a statement
  4. Could you apply your advice to yourself? thanks a lot But this kind of comment coming from you does not surprise me because you allow yourself to judge people without really knowing them, you already do it with the participants of RLC so why do the opposite with the members of CC
  5. November 21 in Aria's bathroom, you can see what you ask for Nice 😉
  6. the first logic explanation for me is just that Kate is kristy's friend
  7. I have been a premium member of rlc for more than 4 years, long before Kamila and Kristy share the apartment in Russia and the Roommates apartments make their appearance on RLC, and as I was a big fan of these girls, I did not never miss an evening, a party or a guest who came to their house :-) Moreover, I am someone who is quite orderly so there is not really any doubt on my side and I got confirmation from other people, as fan as me
  8. It may be necessary to take into account that Sophia has completely changed her life by joining Masha in Rome while she was not living in this city before, so she will have to give her some time before she meets people in this city and as she will surely be with Masha most of the time, they will surely have the same circle of friends For my part, I wonder if Sophia wants to change her life to stay in Europe like Masha or if she will not do like GOV girls and leave after 3 or 4 months to go back to her country after the expiry of her Visa
  9. You're quite right to want to follow your instinct, I did the same as you go to look at what I had on all the guests who came to Kristy and especially all those who stayed to sleep and who went in the bathroom, and there is no Kate On the other hand I think I know who you are talking about, but one, she has no mole in the back, two she has no fake boobs it would be too much cosmetic surgery for one woman to look like Kate
  10. sometimes the simplest things are the most obvious, Sophia is a friend of Masha, Masha is a friend of Sophia, they wanted to share an apartment together, there is nothing more to try to understand😉
  11. you are wrong my friend yes Kristy had guests who stayed in the apartment but Kate isn't one of them like i said, her body is particular and no Kristy's guests have the same as Kate look your archives if you have one, i do like others i think, and no kate, sorry for you
  12. you make a mistake Kate still has a very particular body like you said with all these moles on her back, and the only girl I remember having the same peculiarity is Varvara's friend, but Kate is not that girl either For me, she is new to rlc, already as a participant but also as a Guest
  13. By experience, RLC never does anything by chance especially by giving this kind of information They can do it with lots of other girls who are friends of other participants but they do not, so for me it means that this information has to be important or maybe I really want it to be important
  14. rlc informs that she is a friend of Kristy but I do not think she has ever been to her house, I should look at my archives but I am almost certain of my words maybe rlc give this info because they have a future plan to get Kristy back in the project because the only time they gave a personal information about a girl, it was to prevent participation in rlc of Serena, the sister of Carolina
  15. cette fille et Carla ce connaissent très bien, c'est juste le barrière de la langue qui rend cela assez confus mais au final ils ont tous réussi à ce comprendre
  16. Tout ce que je sais de Perpignan, c'est que la ville n'est pas loin de Barcelone ^^
  17. Elle reviendra peut être on ne sait jamais en tout cas c'était sympa de la comprendre et de la voir prendre une douche :-)
  18. Carla a eu une amie française en visite il y a quelques temps, c'était presque étrange de comprendre ce qu'elle disait :-)
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