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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Esmi's friend took several showers but in a bikini, only Esmi and Zabava's mom did not stay in the apartment
  2. they do this since three days now
  3. In view of how the computer screen is placed and therefore the integrated camera, I'm not sure that we can see much on this cam, suddenly the RLC camera seems much better for her show 😁
  4. @nordsee Esenia and Dima are on vacation till 27 November
  5. The girl who's sleeping in living room
  6. i am pretty sure they just left for vacation
  7. brunette is Amy and the blond is Amy and Tereza's friend
  8. The problem of language means that sometimes some will misinterpret events because of their experience, which biases their point of view because they do not have the necessary perspective. When I'm in this kind of situation, I prefer not to take sides and I let things work out naturally. This has already been the case when it came to Radislava, if most girls had grievances against her, it was because she was not an angel either 😁 it is noble to want to defend the widow and the orphan but it is better to understand the context before acting
  9. I have the impression that this demonstrates that the person at fault is not Zabava, but surely Elmira
  10. I only give you information, like that you can try to be funny one more time in the future
  11. what is difficult to understand? Val and Jul are a lesbian couple, and one of them (Val) came home from a party with friends, the same friends who were at last week's party at this apartment. by the way, since a long time, we know that Jul is short hair girl and Val is long hair girl
  12. Tu étais où pendant les trois ans où elle a vécu seule sans que l'on puisse prendre Paul comme excuse pour tous les maux de cet appartement? Je demande cela car on ne peut pas dire que Leora a reçu beaucoup d'amis pendant cette période 🤣 Par contre, pour s'absenter de l'appartement et aller chez des amis, elle était là reine de rlc 😁 Donc on va dire que depuis que Paul est de retour, on a au moins beaucoup plus de présence de Leora chez elle, et je pense que c'est grâce à lui
  13. She has been masturbating every day for 11 months without hiding anything, so she has already evolved because she did not do it when she lived in Moscow I don't understand why no one takes this into account for her
  14. Claire (blond in black) and Carlos (bald guy) are a couple who participated in RLC at B5, they got married since they left the project yes the guy with long hair is Kristy's guest
  15. Do you speak several languages as they can? I just ask because the fact of succeeding in doing so makes me say that they are surely more intelligent than a good part of the members of this forum 😁
  16. I would have been surprised if you still didn't say bad things when you saw a guy at B4 🤣
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