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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Elettra is blonde with the lips, Electra is nobody on rlc for the moment 😁
  2. Basically, you are telling us that they must have gone to make tourists in a city other than Barcelona 😁
  3. Who can we blame today on the fact that the girls wear clothes when Fritz is not present for us to put this excuse on his back? 😁🤣
  4. Tant que tu ne prendras pas certaines choses en considération, je ne pense pas que l'on pourra avancer bien loin 😁
  5. Je ne te parle pas de moi J'aurais plus tendance à avoir la même vision du couple que toi mais je prends aussi en compte qu'ils n'ont pas la même culture ni la même éducation, cela me permet de relativiser beaucoup de choses
  6. Ce n'est simplement pas dans sa culture de faire ce genre de chose et cela n'a rien à voir avec le respect ou l'amour qu'il peut avoir pour elle
  7. Je crois que t'oubli un détail important, ils ne sont pas français et n'ont pas la même vision que toi du couple Ce que tu reproche à Paul, tu peux le reprocher à quasiment tout les participants Russes ou Ukrainien qui sont sur rlc ou même vhtv C'est ça être objectif
  8. Ouais c'est un homme en fait, rien de bien nouveau 😁
  9. Je croyais que tu te disais objectif Ça serait bien que tu puisse commencer à l'être 🤭
  10. Il ne fait que suivre l'exemple de sa voisine de lit 😁
  11. So if I summarize, Rons wants Thinga at his place 😁
  12. even doing nothing is already doing something 😁
  13. You should open your eyes on Esmi in this case, because I opened them well, and I often see her wearing clothes, you wouldn't want me to post replay links for you like for the story of the cushion on her bed 😁 I understand your frustration but every time a guy shows up in an apartment, all the evils of the earth are his fault 😁
  14. They simply took advantage of this party to celebrate her birthday but it was not a party for her in particular, especially since she is part of the group coming to play music for B7 tenants and their guests (B4, B1, B2 and Martina's crew).
  15. It's not a story of liking Zabava or not, it's just a story of logic Don is pretty much Carla and Yanai's roommate, yet I don't see as much criticism of his presence in the apartment as he is present in the apartment much longer than Zabava's boyfriend is in B1 , yet it prevents Carla or even now the guest from walking naked in the apartment if they want to do so Why in his case his presence does not bother while Zabava's boyfriend bothers for trivial reasons? Each adapts to the presence of the other like in all roomates apartments in the world The only problem you have is that Esmi has to put clothes back on but I don't think it's a real problem for Esmi or Elmira, because anyway whether he's present or not, they're not there all the time naked or in underwear, so it's a non-issue for me
  16. Do you realize that he and Zabava weren't there every night at B1? Personally, I don't care why they are often present at B1 and that Zabava is not shy with him, I pay to see, and I like what I see, that's all that matters, and I don't talk just about sex If she takes time off from B1 to be with him, most will criticize her for saying she's fucking outside of B1 and not on the project Now that she does, others criticize her because her boyfriend spends too much time with her in B1 In fact, whatever she does, she loses to some of the subscribers' views, so the only advice I can have for her is " live your life as you see fit without taking into account the opinions of others"
  17. It's still funny that the only people it seems to bother seeing guys in the different apartments are the subscribers when those who should be are the participants, yet it doesn't seem to bother them.
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