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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Do you also have calls for men beaten by their wives? I ask this because most of the time Holly is the most violent, she has already thrown her phone at him several times and already hit him several times without him answering I'm not saying Thor is blameless, but it's the two who are violent with each other
  2. The trip is much shorter between London and Sydney from Paris 🤣
  3. It was enough to talk about Tim's old date to see her again today 😁
  4. seeing her behaviour, i don't think so she's the next tenant in B2
  5. Tim fucked Kassandra, Samson fucked Ailey, so they are more lucky than you think Both guys also fucked in B7 with guests girls
  6. I wonder why people want to put the people they watch in boxes at all costs, as if there were only two possibilities She has sex with guys, she's heterosexual and can't be a lesbian, so what she does with Polya is just show 🤔 She has sex with women, she's a lesbian 🤔 In fact, Lavika is mostly bisexual and really does what she wants when she wants, and for tonight, it's mostly alcohol that dictated her choice 😁
  7. I deleted them for you, no problem For those who are wondering, a moderator can also be used for this 😁
  8. you see, every time someone sees things differently from you, you have to try to discredit them in the eyes of the forum, that's what bothers me and unfortunately also confirms my previous comments
  9. I don't know if you are aware but where you live does not correspond to most of the big cities of this world, even me who lives in a small town in my country, the places to party work like those in Spain 😁 Apparently the way of life of Europeans looks much more interesting than that of Americans 😁
  10. Another lack of argument or just a lack of intelligence on your part? no need for an answer from you because I already know it 🤣
  11. Here, Masha's foot is still moving, she must enjoy the show 😁 maybe not, since everyone is sleeping without touching each other this time 🤣
  12. Will you accept the voyeurs' response, or will you insult them as always because they never see the same thing as you?
  13. Tell me you never move when you sleep? Just because those feet move doesn't mean she's fully conscious But that doesn't come to mind because you live in a fantasy world
  14. I return the compliment to you 🤣
  15. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording One thing is sure, she likes to show them to us 😁
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