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Everything posted by moos54

  1. you can read on the lips now? you are a man full of resources, nobody could have guessed 😁
  2. You're right, I do not know and frankly your life with RLC does not interest me 😂 Now we are on a forum that is talking about RLC apartments and tenants, I think to be able to talk about some things, it's better to see them with your own eyes and in full instead of seeing this partially with the eyes of a other (Referring to the kindness of people who want to provide you with videos) It's too easy to write anything and everything when you do not take all the facts into account or when you have bad judgments of things, you speak most of the time without knowing, a little like your dear President Trump (Happy 4th july, by the way) , it might be interesting to know how to close his mouth from time to time and to think about it before acting, my mother taught me to turn 7 times my tongue in the mouth before speaking, now thinking about it again is not such a bad advice 😁 In fact, I can not understand the purpose of coming to get rid of her discontent all the time, does it allow you to be happier in your life? I hope for you, except that here we are not the office of Mr. Harley's crying, we are a community and from the point of view of the member MR Moos54, you break the balls by wanting to remain respectful 😁 have a nice day and i hope you sleep well
  3. Je sais que cela fait toujours plaisir de voir son travail être aimer mais je pense que l'erreur est de justement vouloir une certaine reconnaissance ça ne reste que mon avis et je pense que tu partage pour les mauvaises raisons si tu ne recherche que cela
  4. rlc has simply decided to stop broadcasting apartments in Russia, no doubt as a result of events at a LifeUnderCam competitor From what I know, some Russian participants are moving apartments and especially RLC seems to have removed all the cameras in the different apartments For me, I think we must move on because we will surely not see more them, at least in Russia, maybe some will come back elsewhere but do not forget that their life is in Russia, work, friends or families so I can not see them coming back long-term elsewhere in Europe far from all this I also think that their participation in RLC is a period and not an end in their life, I think that many will surely move on and continue to live normally
  5. you say that because RLC prevents you from coming back Premium, otherwise you would be a member of RLC for a long time In fact, it makes me laugh to see that each of your comments transpire your frustration 😂
  6. 2019 is january until december in my calendar 🙂
  7. Since you only have VHTV as a reference, even if I know that you are no longer a member of this site for quite some time now, if VHTV loses all its apartments in Russia, what would remain within this site? ? not much if I'm not mistaken, so if you want to keep your members, you have to change your subscription rate and include some service like replay if it was not part of the initial offer that's what RLC has to do, that's what LUC will have to do if they come back someday, I do not even talk about VV Now with all these apartment and site losses, I wonder how long VHTV will fall for the same reasons as the others? they managed to survive the loss of the Ukrainian apartments but I doubt they will arrive there with the possible loss of the Russian apartments This is only a possible assumption and that the Russian authorities will never find the VHTV apartments, but if they managed to do it with LUC, then why not with VH, because VHTV does exactly what the authorities reproach to LUC
  8. I never said that everything is perfect on rlc, I agree with you that some things do not enter the voyeurism box either, but this is the case only for some apartments For VHTV, it's all the site that does not fit in this voyeurism box there is nothing wrong with my comments, I simply say that VH is neither more nor less an amateur porn site as there are many except they have apartments From the moment you promote sex, trade sex scenes with the archive, you can find a page on Pornhub dedicated to VHTV (because yes this page has existed even if it no longer looks active ), that you have real porn actresses and cams girls (maybe not everywhere but there are more and more), that there are scenarios well established each night, I do not think that one can actually talk about voyeurism it's just what I'm trying to say, by no means do I criticize what VHTV does
  9. How would this change the result of redoing a poll? some sites no longer exist and others have changed a lot to be able to continue to exist, but they still have 6 months of existence in 2019 I do not think VHTV can have many more votes even if they have 40 apartments to show, it was not, it is not and will never be a real voyeur site as long as it stays on concept of cams girls and porn actresses, as well as promote sex on twitter account
  10. What I'm trying to make you understand is that there is a high probability that Amalia is on the phone with Chris, because they were still very close to B3, as if they were a couple 😁 For at least 5 or 10 years we have been entering in a new era where technology is becoming the most important thing, especially when I noticed that the girls' youth in the world are using their phones for anything and everything, and I feel that RLC girls are not the only ones doing it Maybe you missed this but for the past 3 years, you can find a lot of pictures and videos of personalities coming from their own phone being naked or doing sexual acts on the internet(leaked), it shows that filming and taking pictures for them or for someone else has become a trend, a habit
  11. Some girls have boyfriends, do you remember about Chris for Amalia? 😉
  12. he is a magic man because he changed also his skin color 😂
  13. il dit simplement qu'elle est sortie puis revenue ^^ mais sinon oui Pam arrive à la fin de sa participation
  14. I have the impression to see the same kind of show as in the apartments of Domi, Leonie, Isa, Melissa and Krista it feels like concurrency click baite show never died 😂
  15. chez elle, elle s'occupe, surement pour elle même, je ne pense pas voila tu as des réponses maintenant 😁 Par contre pour le reste je ne peux rien faire pour toi car je suis beaucoup moins bonne que Leora 😂
  16. Tout est toujours trop chère dans la vie de toute façon ^^ Après maintenant ça fait a peu prêt que 32 euros par mois pour 8 appartements et le replay inclus à la place de 70 euros si on voulait avoir le replay en plus de l'abonnement En sachant que rlc a fermer plus ou moins.4 appartements entre Prague et Barcelone qui peuvent réouvrir à tout moment, finalement je me dit que ce tarif peut-être une bonne affaire si RLC décide d'ajouter des nouvelles têtes au projet 🙂 La perte des appartements est compliquée à digérer toutefois car on perd des couples avec on partageait notre quotidien depuis plusieurs années, on a presque perdus des amis finalement, et je pense que c'est pareil pour rlc et qu'il leur faut sûrement une certaine période pour digérer tout ça et repartir vers l'avant Par contre comme vous tous je déplore ce manque de communication de leur part, je suis presque certain que la plupart des abonnés garderaient leur abonnement si rlc avait fait un communiquer pour expliquer ce gros changement et cette grosse perte
  17. i see a table in this kitchen 😂
  18. no I do not think Camarads have apartments in Russia If I'm not mistaken, they are only in Romania
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