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Everything posted by moos54

  1. I'm still going to be the service bad guy, but I'd like someone to explain to me the difference between hitting a woman (like what happens at Anastasia's and other flats, do not know by her magic, we still manage to forgive them that kind of thing) and assaulting a sleeping woman with his cock in her hand, so I know that the girl has entered a camera-filled apartment with as ambition to get fucked by everyone (black humor) but in no way do I see the girls give him an agreement to do it You called him Pervers, I call this kind of guy an Aggressor see even a rapist in power In addition it is not as if we had for 6 months several examples of aggressor who believe everything allowed with women on the Media I understand that VHTV is now on the idea of offering amateur porn, but they also have to protect the people who work for them, whether they are tenants or their guests
  2. non Amina était dans l'appartement avec toutes les autres filles avant d'être rejoint par Nil En plus cet appartement et celui de Masha ne sont pas dans le même pays ;-)
  3. tu pense parlé a qui sur ce message? Cela fait plusieurs fois que je vois des messages de ta part avec des insultes on a des règles de courtoisie sur ce forum avant de venir discuter avec les autres Si tu te permet à ne pas les suivre, je vais me permettre de prendre des dispositions contre toi Cela sera ma dernière intervention sur ce genre de sujet, la prochaine sera la sanction
  4. tu dit que tu es français, donc écrit en français il y a pas d'histoire de traduction quand on écrit dans sa propre langue quand même je dois dire que tes deux messages sont complètement incompréhensible que ce soit en Français ou en langue pas français Si tu veux pourvoir te faire comprendre par tout le monde, il faut faire un effort d'écriture, qu'au moins les non français puissent utiliser correctement le traducteur Ps: Oui moi aussi je suis Français
  5. Yes i can, but only if he use the attachment center
  6. Mira and Kai, not john yes they are friends with Nelly and Bogdan before going to the couple on vacation apartment so they returned with their friends
  7. In fact, they returned to what they were doing before leaving for Barcelona they squat the sofa of their friends
  8. you could make an effort, it's a beautiful language
  9. it's hard to translate because it's not write in good french too
  10. he says that Anastasia is a girl with more class they looks different but he says stay open-minded because they may surprise us in the future
  11. she is in fact, in all site, we have stunning girls
  12. It depends what you like to watch, if you just want to see sex then yes surely VHTV is good for you, but if you like to see other things than just sex, then yes RLC is probably better
  13. not this kind of party, just funny drunk moment between girls
  14. Yes it happened more than once as it will surely happen again in the future
  15. You might be surprised to know that the party at B4 is much more legitimate than the party in this apartment
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