@dmac7713 si tu commences à insulter les gens sur le forum, même ceux que tu n'apprécie guère, on va avoir un problème
Merci de stopper cela maintenant
Bah même pas
Tu as déjà vue les deux mecs s'amuser avec une autre personne que leur compagne? Moi non
C'est juste deux couples qui baisent l'un a côté de l'autre car cela devient le standard de vh si tu veux continuer l'aventure
Sorry but having a social isn't reduce to making sex
Since this apartment is open, we seen sisters to Sonya and Angie (both use the shower by the way) and at least two Angie close friends (shower too)
And a lot of male friends
Isn't having a social life in the apartment for you?
it's called having a social life, I know it's difficult for you to understand it as you follow the life of semi actors to make fun of the gallery
The awakening will hurt when you open your eyes
Maybe not for a long time now that we point it out ^^
Yeah it's easy to say, it's not my fault I'm sick and I'm healing myself ^^
others tried before, look where they are now
Not to mention this girl and her possible reaction
Do not tell me that the manager did not see it, that the tenants did not see it, or that VHTV did not see it
If this is the case, you have to fired everyone because there is a serious fault at work
Parce que tu arrives à comprendre le russe dans les autres appartements?
En même temps, quand tu viens sur ce genre de site, tu viens en toute conscience sur le fait qu'ils ne parlent pas ta langue