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Everything posted by MrBox

  1. Until recently, I was convinced that M&S have the most harmonious relationship of all couples in RLC. Accordingly, I have mentioned the two several times as one of the positiv examples of RLC couples in the past. While doing this i had realized that i didn't saw them have sex for quite some time now and decided to watch a little more careful (with some recording ;) ). I started four weeks ago and need to say that nothing has happened since then. Wow. So far, I had always thought that I just miss everything because of the time difference. Now, it looks as if there relationship is not as good as expected or they simply prefer to have sex outside of this apartment. :-\
  2. All is fine as long as he really try to express his opinions. ... When he only want to gripe, it will quickly be pointless. ... I suspect, He is close to the border or already on the wrong side and can no longer recognize that. Almost a little sad. :-\
  3. She always seems to be fully into the thing she is doing. ... Actually, just like you. ... Only she spreads positive energy and you just gripe. :-\ ... Seriously. The three fit perfectly into this apartment. I would say that there are the best cast ever. 8) This apartment is top. ... What really need attention are the other apartments, because here the situation is deteriorating constantly, with few exception (like N&B). We saw a lot of short time apartments with bad cast (like L&A and B&S) and we see couples who hide and are not thrown out (as D&D).
  4. S&H are one of the best couples on RLC, i think. :) I would really miss them (as now, due to the mega vecation). C&S are not needed in my opinion. Blue is cute but they are not. D&D are simply not with the project any more. Always hide just does not fit. >:( Ma&St are very nice, but i wonder slowly, if they still have sex in this apartment. ???
  5. As long as this criticism remains realistic and constructive. ... Otherwise, it has no value. ... What do you think? Do you meet these criteria? ???
  6. Hmm. Talking about behavior and then write something like this is a little unfortunate. ... Why is here always someone complaining about the girls even when they were just amazing? :doh: Especially Irma is a real asset to this apartment. :) ... My goodness. ... What's wrong here in this forum? :-\
  7. Yes. I think you are right. It is still fun to watch this apartment, even without action. :)
  8. The hidden room should be no issue at all, if it is not used to hide all day. ... I still think that they need this kind of place. ... But when minutes turn into hours, it is getting ridiculous. :-\ ... Maybe it would be good to add a camera without sound there too. The balkon camera works fine and this would end all speculations. In any case we will not see anything what they do not want to show to us. This is completely understandable and perfectly acceptable for me. ... The only think i do not like is when someone fools me. To bypass cameras (like D&D) and the fake masturbations (like here) do not fit into the concept. ... It is ok if nothing happen, but when there is someting, it should be real. Otherwise, you can just close the page at all. :(
  9. I just saw my record of this event. ... So clearly played that only really naive people could fall for it. :( The most annoying thing is that, due to this show, i am now also convinced that Anna has played her event, too. It seams that in both cases they did not hide what happened. They just needed to hide what they did not do. :-\ From this, two questions arise: Were the actions of Irma real or did she just played more believable? Did the girls come up with this events by themself or are they designed by RLC? Until now, this apartment was successful and really fun to watch. In my opinion the best cast ever (or the secound if someone liked K&K&N more). It was simply not necessary. :( ... Now it will feel like to be fooled all the time, like the apartment of D&D. ... Ultimately, everything is getting ridiculous. The exaggerated expectation of the viewers (like the lesbian storties) and the shows trying to pretend as if there is more than some teasing in this apartment. ... Although teasing would completely enough, if we consider the ranking of the thumbnails. ... Too bad.
  10. She obviously has a private conversation. The bathroom is used and the balcony is maybe too cold. ... Even if not, something like a private phone call must be possible at any time. ??? ... She could also have the conversation outside the apartment. ... My goodness. That's noting. ... Just have fun to watch. :)
  11. Thanks. ... I like to be right. 8) ... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, too. :)
  12. When the girls brush their teeth, take a shower, walk, dance, eat, have fun, are angry, are happy, .... all this is no emulation. All this can be a part of what is apartment is about. ... It is as if you would say that we all emulate the live of others, because we do thinks other people have done before. But this do not need to be the case. Is is too easy. ... Come on. ... You just want to complain about someting. ... Simply a grouch. :-\ ... Too bad for you. :(
  13. Is it time again that you no longer can hold back with the senseless gripe? ... That was fast. :( ... How are you become such a grouch. ... Too bad for you. :-\
  14. Almost disturbingly, to see the two together again. ... Have I made a mistake to suspect someting like a beginning rape attempt or do the show need to must go on. :-\ ... Simply no longer comprehensible. ... Ultimately, I seams i was wrong. Akira has a girlfriend, no idea what he makes there. ... Simply stupid. :(
  15. The girls are awesome. :) ... This is fun. ... Very nice. :)
  16. If real is means to behave like as with no camera, I have to disappoint you. This is not possible. In all apartments you can recognize that the inhabitants are influenced by the cameras. ... So. We will only see The real life of people who live in apartments with cameras. ... This is true for all aparments. The only think we can hope for is that the residents are not doing some skript and remain human. I think, that is the case here. It seams like they have fun doing the lingerie show and that is the only thing that matters.
  17. I like it. ... :) ... BTW, this is what this apartment is about. ... Theyhave fun and this is the most importent thing, i think.
  18. To me, it looked like if he wanted to take off her panties while he needed to hold her hands away so she could not not defend herself. I do not think this was a game. At least it did not look like that. ... It looks more as if he had spend just a little bit more force, she would had needed to scream for help. ... This is what i think this was close to. ... Just consider that they do not talk afterwards and that she need to play along due to the cameras and maybe do to some kind of dependency. ... This was no fun and he seams to be a real asshole.
  19. I do not get it. ... Due to the event of yesterday night three thinks are sure for me. This project will never see Natasha going into real sex and therfore the bathroom event was probably played. Akira is a big asshole, because he force himself to Natasha the way he did. Good for him, that it is not gone further. In my opinion, it looked almost like a rape attempt. I would like to see this page go bankrupt, because they seams to be downright inhumane. I am done with VV. ... Sorry, but i needed to say that.
  20. I could imagine a second girls apartment or something similar and would also like to give up a few of the other apartments to make that happen. ... It is simply much more fun to watch girls like Anna to have a morning work out in the living room as to see guys like Lev sitting there with a towel around his waist and doing nothing all days. :)
  21. Ilona should not be underestimated. Better: We should not underestimate the girls of the curent cast in general. There are not naive and I am pretty sure that none of them is still a virgin. ... Even though I was a little disappointed, I think that the three are really outstanding and almost equal to K&K&(N).
  22. Whoever believes. Ultimately, I did not see anything. ... All started promising and changed then to disappointment, due to the tentmaking skills. :-\ ... That's the only thing I can not understand. ... Practically the tent works eqaul to pull the plug of the cameras. Especially annoying when all started so openly. ... Interesting was how everything was synchronized between the girls. All in there rooms at 10:00 and just a small noise by Ilona so that Anna needed the blanket again. .. ;) ... Can be a coincidence, but it do not need to be. :) No matter. I still like the current cast. :)
  23. If the two remain to live there, they might actually get down all cameras. ;) ... There are simply useless. :-\ It is obviously that they want to have there privacy and also like to keep the apartment on top of that. :( ... I would be glad when the would finally move out. ... They really annoy me every time with there hidden sex (shower curtain or bedroom blanket). At the same time they are simpy boring.
  24. Except her boyfriend. ;) :lmao: Sorry. I could not help it.
  25. So this is your mission. You want us to cancel because you do not like the content? ... And when we wake up: Will we be poor because $45/month have driven us into be bankrupt? :doh: ... This is nearly the same amout i spend for my parking spot (also monthly). ... Come on. ... RLC is just a website. And now get this straight: I have made sure to only call your coment to be stupid. Not you as a person. Your comment says that I'm an idiot if I pay money for RLC. ??? ... Now I'm almost angry that I have apologized to you. :(
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