Yes. That work well if there are enough alternative apartments. ... When there are to many non-interesting and non-functional apartments in the list, the solution would be to stay away entirely.
The summary for me look like the following list: L&P, Ma&St, D&D, N&K, Z&L, C&M, A&D, C&S, S&H, N&B, Ma&Sa, K&L and I&I&A&L
Green: Interressting apartments; Red: Disliked apartments; Strikeout: Not working apartments (hide; vecation, ...)
So, There are 4/13 (N&K, Ma&Sa, N&B and I&I&A&L) apartments that are working and still interresting to me. That is why I am disappointed. ... Just have a look to the guest of K&L. They seams to be interesting people, sympatic, good looking and are a real couple. That is what RLC should look for. Not these broken relationships with introverted people that had added so many in the past.