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Everything posted by MrBox

  1. I appreciate the approach, because i think that a few people on this forum (especially in the VV-thread) lost ground contact. I suspect, however, that the matter is a little bit more complicated. Ultimately, I am not a lawyer and do not know. ... Of course, no one can force anyone to sign a contract. But i suspect that it is allowed to contractually agree to not obstruct the cameras and to define penalties if someone nonetheless does. The same should apply for the tent building, I hate so much. :) ... At the same time I think that the right of residence can be limited in time. ... Those are the only conditions that are necessary for a project like RLC, I think. An entirely different question is why VV has brought the guests in this apartment. It is completely unclear to me. ... Ultimately it will disappoint a majority of their customers, since they do not even get to see a little nudity. I'm curious how it goes with this project further, because it is not easy to imagin how they would fill more apartments (as expressed) when they are unable to fill the current ones meaningful. ;)
  2. Sasha lost a battle for the blanket with one of the girl guests. :) It was a really long fight and not allways fair. ;)
  3. I was wrong, they still have fun together. :) BTW, this is a message i got from Werewolf. Can someone explain to me what he means?
  4. Real strange that the two guests still sleeping in the bedroom after the whole incident (including the leave with suitcases). I would have offered them the living room at max.
  5. What? ... You need to write a little more to make any sense. What do you mean with BTR?
  6. Yes, the whole thing has obviously a greater influence than I had thought. If the two discussed the event outside of the cams, it has not helped. :-\ ... Strange, because considered in detail nothing happened that night. If this continues, Ilona's will be the last hope. ... I guess, no one exprected that at the day she leaves. ;)
  7. First thing they do is to bring Tver games to the guests. :doh: ... This is so stupid. :-\ But I think here all of you will like this, right?
  8. I would love to see them there. :) ... Like the old days. ;) ... It would be a step to more fun and less porn, i think. :)
  9. I still like them, but I think we can conclude that there will be nothing between them. Too bad, but from the beginning this was the most likely course. ... The sooner you accept that, the less dramatic the disappointment will be.
  10. It is nice to understand a few words. :) ... If RLC really want to make a step forward, they should strive for more international meetings, because this will need more english conversations. :) Now that so many guests are there, this apartment wins on social dynamics and that makes it really interesting. It's was the same with N&B as they were in this apartment. Very nice sex from the beginning, but by the guests it became obvious how extremely personable the two are. ... With M&S is seams to be very similar, now. ... This apartment really is becoming a source of outstanding residents. :)
  11. I find the two not really sympathetic. Not because of the dispute, it is more general.
  12. Wow. Is that serious? ??? ... The two are only guests and you should be happy that something happens. ... I really hope that the two will be a part of the project, but that's obviously not the case now. ... If the two have the intention to negotiate with RLC, thier actions seams to be very smart. It would be stupid to be all open without an agreement. BTW, I did not see the event.
  13. I like it when guests are around. As with N&B also M&S have gained depth, due to the interaction. ... But maybe five guests are a bit to much for the size of this apartment. ... I suspect that they will move out after christmas, but i can be wrong.
  14. Actually, I like the guests. This kind of people would be ideal as residents, if they would not hide.
  15. Ultimately the guests only reveal the weakness of VV. ... On the one hand they have a porn actors deliver a show but behave artificially. On the other hand they have guests which behave normaly, but show nothing. ... What they need are ordinary people who are open-minded enough to do not hide and not to going into a porn shotting mode when they have sex. RLC has kicked out the residents of an apartment, due to some guest who covered the camera deliberately for sex. In my opinion, correct, as this is the core of the agreement on which the whole project is based. As with the residents, no one is forced to being there. But when someone is there, he should not obstruct the camera.
  16. The first time I was not sure, but the whole masturbation looks a lot like Leora style. It is not so easy to say, but I guess that was not so real. Maybe some of the masturbation but most likely no the orgasm. Although not real, she performs a really nice show. :) So good that i wish it would be real. ;) ... Like with Anna, it is ultimately not so important.
  17. Yes I think so too. ... Immediately after their first departure (including the nice farewell message) it was actually over. After their return they had lost their fun and also started to hide like D&D. Now they are apparently almost entirely disappeared. ... I think, It is time to take the apartment from the list. :(
  18. Also I think that Irma has to be careful that they other girls do not take advantage of her without balance. Do this forum really need to have a bad girl every time? At first it was Nora. In the new cast it seams as Ilona must bear this burden. An now, that she is in vacation it seams that Anna will be the next. ??? I do not know what kind of insult "turn off" really is, but because of something so less it seams to be pointless. ... Why is it so difficult to show respect? :-\
  19. It seams that Efim has a new GF. Ultimately, I consider an apartment with guys only not a good idea. An apartment with girls is on the contrary a very nice idea. ... Why? ... I do not know. ;)
  20. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and thay make us human. I do not think you rated him fair. Clearly it was not smart to occupy the toilet due to a party with so many people. But have you seen the girlfriend of him? It seams that he simply lost his head, due to other body parts. ;) ... Many relationships do not work out and the thing between him and Diana was certainly not gone well. However, both ware likable and nice people at that time and i see no reason that he is no longer today. I think, RLC need more people with character and individuality, because around them there is always someting happening. Efim is such a person and his girlfriend makes this impression too. Simply compare him to guys like Paul or Demid and it should be clear what i meant.
  21. If you hopped for sex certainly. ... For me there were two girls, some really hot massage and some hope for the future. :)
  22. I missed much of the party yesterday and i also missed the dispute. ... After everything I've seen, it still seams to be a success. ... N&B are simply my favorite couple in RLC (also due to there friends). There are just fun to watch, because every now and then something happens and they are simple very sympathetic people. :) I think it's nice that Effim was there and that he has found happiness again. ... When I saw him and his girlfriend yesterday, I had to recognize how awesome it would be, if they would be a real part of the project. :) ... The apartment of D&D would be a nice fit, i think and hope for.
  23. Ultimately yesterday happens so little that no one need to be embarrassed and so much that we can hope for more. ... If Anna overcomes her shyness she (and we) could have some exciting fun. :) ... If not, it will be still fun to watch. In any case, I like the current cast. :)
  24. That is something i also noticed today. Those who complain, do not even have an account. ??? :lmao:
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