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Everything posted by DashaFan

  1. Since his name is Mario, I'd suggest Princess Toadstool instead. :nana:
  2. I think he's getting pussy-whipped by her.
  3. No he means that in French you'd use the possessive in function of the object's gender, not subject's. A girl's brother is referred to as "her brother" because the subject is feminine, in French we'd say "son frère" as opposed to "sa frère" because it's brother that's masculine.
  4. Ooooh that innie :drool: :drool: :drool: Too bad it's on nightvision though. :bang head:
  5. I've never seen the flashing circles. Is that only for paid users? Or is that abandoned now for a newer technique such as waveform encoding into the image data stream itself?
  6. She's there right now in the living room. I bet RLC offered them increased pay or something.
  7. I think it's the bandwidth from their cams to the RLC server that gets saturated when there is more movement as there's suddenly more data to send due to the way the compressed movie format works. A static image doesn't get sent over & over again fully and there's some "difference" information sent when something moves as some artefacts sometimes betray and you see an individual at both the place they started walking from and a few more "copies" of them in between their target.
  8. The caveat is that if they worked you'd only see an empty apartment and the whole purpose of showing your life on cam is probably to make money from home in the first place.
  9. I think it's just a consolation prize because Carla & Mario are out as are Nora & co.
  10. Easy money from home... Escape the 9-5 €900/month rat-race. I mean, what motivates some girls to do porn? Guys usually even don't get this luxury except here on RLC. If I weren't so self-conscious about my body, my D-size etc I'm sure I'd do this too given the chance.
  11. Was gonna ask what's wrong showing love messages to us that they needed to shut him down but I hear he might be suicidal? I guess I'd be as well if a girl like that left me.
  12. Seems like people are always complaining. If there's absolutely no action, a boring mundane life (eg: Dasha & Demid) or when there is lots of action such as now, people want the apartment terminated. Too bad I missed the fight btw.
  13. Oh no :( Carla is so cute and at least there was lots of sex.
  14. Nobody should wash away a pretty girl's bodily fluids. If you can lick her pussy then where's the harm having it on your fingers while you eat?
  15. I disagree. I like to see how they evolve if at all, get some sort of emotional attachment as weird as it sounds and miss those who leave. I miss Alina & Anton especially.
  16. I'd like to see a brown couple, Indians or Pakistanis.
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