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Everything posted by sat11

  1. sat11

    Tver - Split 7

    while the other tow were in the shower and now they all in the kitchen
  2. sat11

    Tver - Split 7

    the bearded guy has a new girl , unfortunately tver is over crowded
  3. nyusha is at ana's i guess she will stay there for the night,
  4. the apr. keeps buffering a very few sec or min. she looks nice, ok this is the first time i see her i havent been to this apt. for a long time, just in i like that gif
  5. sat11

    Tver - Split 7

    what about this two i noticed she follows him around
  6. while at it put one cam in em's room too
  7. this dark hair girl is mari, and the blond is layla? i did not watch them the other place so i dont know who is who
  8. thas why they broke up because she was in love with Freddy. maybe he caught them snicking one of the hidden room
  9. some body in VH office must have pushed the red emergency button in panic
  10. i cant open any apartment at all, the all VH is down or what???
  11. i was not complementing him, i meant they dont seam to know when to leave a room and give other people a chance always like to cock block others. interrupt others.
  12. L&A dont care much about quality they just like to keep the number one apt go down put another on up, i think thats why they dont seam to last long most of their aprt. or they figure it out an apartment makes more money the first week of it's opening because curiosity gets lots of views. now i cant open any cam at all, at least time line works the invisible girl
  13. well at last he left them alone, kevin is going to be the Dean of this place, by 4 i gave up checking on this apartment and missed almost every thing, they did well too.
  14. i perefer to watch this even though its not as exiting as this but me i like watching them all
  15. maybe they are a fan of Walsh rugby team( 6 nations started Saturday 3/2/18 wales v Scotland)
  16. i guess they are cheering for Wales
  17. one of the wonder of VH Zoe's ass
  18. its a slow progress, "well Pete our life is one big puzzle" " yes lexy darling i feel like i have been put together piece by piece"
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