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Everything posted by Loner-69

  1. I believe Kamila went out on balcony with her laptop and phone.Kristy is on couch in living room.
  2. Kristy's back.Looks like she picked up some groceries.Kitchen camera is now fucked up.
  3. I believe Kristy left apartment.Kami is at dining table eating and watching Russian comedy panel show on her laptop.
  4. Looks like Kami's trying to bring up some sort of Russian comedy panel tv game on her laptop.
  5. What are they doing?Reading our comments on CC and laughing at us?
  6. With all the money Kristy has invested in stripper costumes,I wonder, does she dance anywhere in Barcelona or is she just in Barcelona for vacation?If just vacation,why did she bring the costumes with her?
  7. For me speculation is the fun part of this site.I'm too into Kami????What the hell are all these videos and photos that are posted on this site.You see her strictly as a sex object and I see her as a total human being.I already stated I would be happy to see her in a relationship with someone that truly loves her.I am too old for Kamila and have a relationship with my own beautiful lady,so I know this is all just fantasy.I even showed CC and RLC to my girlfriend.I just enjoy trying to figure out the reasons for people's behavior.You get what you want from this site and I will get what I want.WHEN KAMILA LEAVES I WILL CONTINUE TO LIVE MY LIFE JUST AS I DO NOW. Thank you,end of story.
  8. Leave Kristy alone? Wasn't it Kristy in Kami's room last night or the the night before rubbing her ass and trying to slide her finger in her panties? Isn't it Kristy the one that is actively trying to do stuff with Kami, while Kami shows no interest? If anyone should leave anyone alone, Kristy should be leaving Kami alone. I'm sure Kami wouldn't care one way or another since she's had plenty of opportunity to do stuff with Kristy and has not once been bothered to do anything. I don't think either one had sinister intentions.I believe the relationship started out as a pretend lesbian relationship for both of them at the clubs,but as time passed Kristy became attracted to Kami and wanted a real lesbian relationship.Kamila didn't want a sexual relationship,but wanted to keep Kristy as a friend so she tolerated Kristy's sexual advances.They are now sleeping separately either because Kristy has given up or because Kamila has been getting turned on by Kristy and is afraid of what will happen if they continue to sleep together.Another possibility for their now not sleeping together would be that the phone call to Kami was from her boyfriend, and that has cooled Kami and Kristys' relationship. Plausible??????
  9. But if this were true then why would Kristy continue to be all over Kami and grope her when Kami has never really returned those feelings? And speaking of which, why exactly would Kristy have thought it was real? Even if your scenario is true, then either Kristy or Kami was the one to come up with the idea, in which case Kristy would have no reason to believe that Kami has a real attraction to her, especially since like I said, Kami has not really shown any sort of interest in Kristy, not the way Kristy has been all over Kami. Possibly Kami never told Kristy it was all pretend,so Kristy continued to take the bait and pursue Kami.Thus a one sided sexual relationship.Kami would give close friendship but no more than that.
  10. If that were the case, then why do it in the house when people they don't see while they're out can see them? In other words, if they're pretend lesbians to get guys to back off while they are out (also known as bar-sexuals), they have no reason to pretend to be lesbians when they are in the house. I do not think your theory is the case. Maybe Kristy thought it was for real and only Kami was pretending.
  11. I think I thought of another possibility for Kristy and Kamilas' pretend lesbian act.It provides protection for them when they go out.With as hot and sexy as both Kamila and Kristy are can you imagine how many guys must hit on them at the clubs.If Kristy and Kamila can convince the guys that they are a lesbian couple then that would cause the guys to back off.
  12. la culotte trempée de kamila n'est pas d'accord avec cela!!!!! the soaked panties kamila does not agree with that !!!!! I think Kami likes to masterbate alone because she is a SQUIRTER and doesn't want the other girls to know....................damn, she can sure make a wet spot !!! :P :P :P :P :P :P Don't think so. We've seen her masturbate quite a few times and this is the first time she ever got soaked like that. Nope, I think it was the 1st or 2nd time that we saw her use the bottle that someone made the remark that her panties were soaked and she had to get out of bed and wash them in the sink...then she went back to sleep bare ass and that's when we got our 1st view of Kami in bed with her honey pot fully exposed. I don't remember the exact date, but it was a while back ! They got really soaked this time because she had multiple orgasms , I think. I remember that night! Yes, I saw that and was hoping the sleeping nude part would not be just a one night thing. Unfortunately, if it's happened again, I have not seen it. But, I didn't remember her being soaked anything like last night and she often washes her panties after masturbating. But, except for that one night (or was it two nights?), she always just puts on a fresh pair before going to bed. Maybe I just didn't notice that she was real wet that night. I think that was the night she went to the club with Milana and Coco and came home drunk.
  13. Read the post above ..... Sorry,I overlooked that post.Thanks,now I've got to go mow my yard.Back in a few hours.
  14. I've seen Nora and Kristy in the apartment recently.Did Kamila return to the apartment with Kristy?
  15. The reason it has confused you is because it is not necessarily true. They are stereotypes that apply to about 5% of lesbians. I've seen many more than 5% in marriage ceremonies covered by the news media when promoting same sex marriage.
  16. Did she make any sound (like crying out or gasping for air) when she came? Yes she did :) I've always been surprised by how she can be so quiet when having what certainly seem to be very powerful orgasms. Yeah, that is strange indeed. Her orgasms seem always very intense. I just watched some of her first sessions (in the time with Monica) and there she made more noise during an orgasm...Ah, the mysteries of women ;D Maybe she's purposely restrained because of the camera.
  17. So you can only have sex with people you love? :o Seriously, this is the 21st century! Sometimes it feels like the dark age. ;D let her make her own decisions. if she wants to have sex with someone she should, if not she shouldn't. Maybe that's the reason the 21st century is so fucked up.I grew up in the free love generation of 1960s and the 1970s.I saw people having a lot of sex,but I saw very little love.No one really cared about someone else as a human being.But you are right, if all she wants is a meaningless relationship, that is her right.But it is my right to hope for something better for her because she deserves it. it's your right to hope for everything ;D i just trust her more to make the right decision for her life or learn from mistakes than a guy some thousand miles away who saw her a few hours over a camera. i grew up in the 70s and saw not less love then today. i think humankind is fucked up anyway, in every century. But for my part i wouldn't want live in the centuries before sexual freedom. with death penaltys for the wrong kind of sex and arranged marriages. i do think the sexual freedom made the world a better place, but it does come with new problems. maybe i am always surprised about rather conservative opinions about sex on such sites like RLC. I mean it is a voyeur site. and without all the sex going on, nobody would be here. the 'arguing' and speculation about relations are a major plus though, because if we only want to see the sex part, we could watch every other porn site. well we don't have to agree, don't we? fortunatly she will make her own choices and we don't have any influence ;D I am the last person in the world who would attempt to make decisions for someone else.I guess I would compare my concern as that of a parent for their child.Parents at some point know they have to allow their child the freedom to make their own mistakes, but at the same time hoping that they will not do something that causes them to be hurt.Especially, not doing something that will cause permanent damage.
  18. When is Kristy ever going to learn the proper way to use a knife?I see a 911 call coming if she continues this.
  19. No, she doesn't. It is a game they are playing together. They are just having fun. In case you haven't noticed, Kamila has, on occasion, called Kristy over to be close to her because she misses the contact. It is a very positive experience for both of them. Just because Kamila will not take the next step, that doesn't mean that she doesn't enjoy the touching and cuddling and teasing. I love watching the affection they show for each other. I was just thinking about my personal behavior with my girlfriend and realized that my behavior with her is not that much different from Kristy's behavior with Kamila.I'm continually after her bod when she comes to my house.Maybe I need to reevalute my feelings about Kristy.Maybe it's that I would rather see Kamila with a man instead of a woman.My own personal prejudice.
  20. I think I saw her at the zoo LOL, just kidding Nora lovers don't get your panties in a bunch :) il faudrait faire un post" les meilleurs grimaces!!!", je pense que coco serait bien placée!!! ;D ;D we should make a post "the best grimaces !!!", I think would be well placed coco !!! ; D; D Nora looks fine on the outside.She just needs an attitude adjustment on the inside.
  21. la culotte trempée de kamila n'est pas d'accord avec cela!!!!! the soaked panties kamila does not agree with that !!!!! I think Kami likes to masterbate alone because she is a SQUIRTER and doesn't want the other girls to know....................damn, she can sure make a wet spot !!! :P :P :P :P :P :P Or squeezed too hard for his lotion bottle and the cap opened ;D I think the wet spot is from Kami's body.Did you notice how much water she drinks?
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