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Posts posted by BBsq69

  1. On 12/12/2018 at 8:31 PM, TBG 150 said:

    True, there are, like with any agency that allows it's people to have the power of detention of a public citizen, rouge asshole cops.

    But, have you ever seen the rudeness and disrespect that Police Officers get? They can be as nice to the Joe Public asshole as can be and Joe asshole has to cuss out the cop, shoot at him, spit in his face and call him/her every derogatory name in the book. If you are fucking up, you deserve what you get. 

    I don't care if you do think the officer is a punk kid, because you are an old fart, or the other way around. Respect the uniform, just as the uniform should respect the public.

    If you are pulled over by a Trooper or other Officer, treat that person with respect and act like a lady or a gentlemen and there is a real good chance that you will be told you were going a little fast and to slow it down or you have a burned out tail light. Act like a dirtbag and you are not going to go home that night/day.

    Well said. I did have a friend who was beaten up by some policemen. The way he described it to me was that he had got in some argument in the pub with a man who happened to be a policemen. Later he was pulled over and out came the man and his mates to knock him about a bit - the actual phrase was more colloquial - but I know the guy and he could be a bit arsey. My grandfather was a policeman who could be a bit scary - he was also a top athlete and despite having short legs was 6 foot with 18 stones of muscle - so I've never had any trouble with the respect element myself. In fact I have managed to talk my way out of a difficult situation with a couple of mates claiming they didn't know what was going on by being completely honest with them. People who attack law enforcement officers, firefighters and medical staff are the lowest of the low. You get bad eggs in every profession but these people have to take shit from dickheads all day long so sometimes they might have reached the end of their tether.

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  2. On 12/12/2018 at 6:12 PM, Thestarider said:

    With all that being said, with 7 billion people in the world, we make a very minor footprint in our climate compared normal cyclical cycles of the weather.

    Absolute twaddle. I know I'm wasting my time with someone who believes any piece of right wing PROPAGANDA and climate change should not be political but it is. The idea that scientists put these theories forward in the mid 20th century was for political reasons displays ignorance I just can't cope with. It's science. Or course spirally into a greenhouse effect is not provable any more than standing in the middle of a road for a day will inevitably lead to your death but what you have to understand is risk. Outside the risk of catastrophe is tangible damage which might happen anyway but doing nothing is pretty much a guarantee.
    In the history of the earth it is MINOR, because for a large part of earth's history at certain latitudes and at sometimes all of them humans would simply have not survived. BUT and I must stress this life could be come incredibly uncomfortable for many people and will be fatal for a number of species which as a right winger you are unlikely to care about - don't ask me to understand mentality but there was some scientific study about left wing and right wing brains which explained what causes the lack of empathy in one and maybe the over abundance in the other. I have explained this many times but CHAOS THEORY studies MINOR changes. MINOR changes that are caused in this scenario by man. That is what we are discussing here, not what happened a million years ago and not in a million years but NOW.
    There was a mini ice age from the 14th-19th century but even at the trough it didn't drop below about 0.5K to what it had previously been over the previous millenium in the 1800s about 0.2K. In the last 50 years it has already risen 0.8K and continues to rise rapidly. Other factors MAY come and save us but to attribute most of this rise (and the science is clear and unquestionable on this) to anything other than man made changes is desperate and has no basis in real science. 

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  3. On 2/28/2019 at 5:04 AM, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

    There are no recent posts on this thread. I don't believe it's because there is no United Europe -- there isn't. Napoleon, the Kaiser, and Hitler tried, and it only led to a bad scenario. My ancestry in the New World goes back to the 1620's. So I'm a bit behind. Help me out here, because when I think of Europe, I see what my grandfather saw.

    Speak up! Share your views! The European nations are still fucking important to the world! Western Civilization is not dead!

    I'd rather see multiple shining cities on the hills throughout Europe than what grandpa Squirrel experienced.



    Currently Europe has its head in its hands at Westminster. There is trouble between France and Italy but it's having difficulty rising above the chaos of the UK.
    My grandfather was shot on the Somme, and his twin brother was killed. It was a stupid posturing war caused by the collapse of the Ottoman and then the Austro-Hungarian empires and envy of empires usually often among the same family.

  4. If you have technical questions(*) to ask about what the fuck is going on in the House of Commons this week, I shall be happy to answer them.

    * By which I mean what the votes mean, where we stand and why we are standing there, as opposed to any political discussion about the rights and wrongs of Brexit, although that does include a discussion of the political manoeuvering which is part of the explanation.

  5. 4 hours ago, ARMY SNIPER said:

    oy just let the kid go to school and watch the bullying and ridiculing start.

    That is a different issue and sounds like the one a member of my family uses against mixed race marriages - the kids will get bullied. Well the world moved on from that. In Bradford, the 6th biggest city in the UK, the school population is between 10 and 20% the product of the marriage of cousins. And in (southern) rural US wasn't it fairly common mainly due to the lack of available matches? Genetically there is no more risk than if the mother were over 40 so scientifically the only problem is if this continues to be a practice over generations which has been almost the norm for the ruling classes. It seems that's acceptable and it only seems to matter when it happens among the working classes but then ... I'm getting too political for this thread. So there's nothing wrong with cousins marrying and certainly not with fancying your cousin. Actually I do remember a conversation I had in Rome about how hot this guy's sister was and I'm pretty sure he expressed an opinion - not suggesting for one minute it went beyond that. Mind you she did seem fairly obsessed with how hot she was herself. Actually she was my first experience of voyeurism but that's another story.

  6. 14 minutes ago, ARMY SNIPER said:

    anyway whatever the case TO ME IT"S STILL SICK. i don't have a sister but i do have beautiful cousin's but i still wouldn't Bang them. CASE CLOSED.

    Perfectly legal in the UK to bang and indeed marry your cousin. It's happened in my family before WWII although actually they didn't have any children. I'd imagine that it has happened in most families. It's only illegal when there are direct descendants or brother and sister.  Sister and sister must be legal because there are legit videos. As for XXX games it's a very common theme. Also several of the soaps have run brother/sister stories. I am in no way advocating it and indeed persistent cousin marriages are likely to lead to genetic problems as we see in the Pakistani community for which it is very common. And of course that might well be the problem in the UK, because yes there has been talking of banning it, as it could be put as discrimination.

    And of course according to some anthropologists we're all descended from a single woman and for some reason about 4 men several thousand years later - somewhat ironically Darwin married his cousin. And later almost everyone outside Africa is descended from a surprisingly small number of migrants. So brother and sister is probably too much genetic risk so you are probably right to discourage them even fancying each other, cousins considerably less (we are talking a few percent more than normal and certainly more than the increased risk of dying I take by taking my prescription) but keep it going for generations and you end up with the Habsburgs.

    Royalty huh! Victoria married her first cousin and The Queen is married to her second cousin and third cousin.


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