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Everything posted by Buster

  1. All I'm going to say is there are some real hypocrites in this board and just leave it at that.
  2. You can sum up flowers or chocolate with "gifts." Women just want guys to spend money on them and spoil them. And I'd argue jewlry trumps flowers and chocolate.
  3. I don't think Dasha/Demid are going to be boring in the long run. The reason Alina/Anton were fucking so much was because they were going through their honeymoon phase, although I don't think they've slowed down all that much aside from not having sex in the living room as much. Maya/Stepan have always been a boring couple both in the relationship department and the sex department. But these slow down periods come and go. Sometimes it's overly boring and sometimes it's exciting. That's just the way it works.
  4. I'll say the same thing about Dasha that I've said about Leora. If she can't open her mouth about what she wants or needs in the sex department then her own sexual dissatisfaction is her own fault.
  5. She should just make herself throw up so she could take her ass to sleep.
  6. Finally they start getting ready for bed.
  7. It'd be better if they were playing naked twister instead...
  8. They need to give these people some real booze so they'll loosen up. It's already late there so they'll probably spend the night.
  9. Kinda. Apparently he stuck his finger up her ass then rubbed it on her upper lip which made her cry, and people kinda flipped out. As much as I try to defend the guys of RLC even I have to admit that was a douche move on his part. But after she masturbated a few times and had sex, the gang here seems to have forgiven him for now.
  10. A delight to watch :D Pls, someone record ;) I lol'd at this.
  11. Daniel is one the better performers. Anton only has stamina but doesn't really fuck Alina all that hard.
  12. I stand by my original statement I made months ago. I think he's just bored with her and wants to fuck around with other girls.
  13. I'll be surprised if this leads to anything. They always fool around at this time before he leaves.
  14. In my opinion, no it isn't. But it depends on how many couples you like. I only really care for 4 couples, and soon it'll be 3 as I'm losing interest fast in one of them. Paying $30 for 3/4 couples is a joke. If you like all the couples then it'll probably be worth it to you.
  15. Did I once say all women are alike? No? Ok then.
  16. I don't even know where to begin to describe the bullshit in these statements... There have been countless articles and videos of women talking about being flirts and teases for the sole purposes of either getting money or favors from men, or just because they want the attention.
  17. Since you're a newbie, let me clue you in as to how things work. The majority of the people here ONLY care about seeing sex between the couples. So your arguments are going to fall on deaf ears (or blind eyes since they'll be reading). Now about your actual arguments. Are we the "sex of supermans"? Personally speaking I'm not. Some here might be and some might not be. But in the end that's irrelavent. We all still have preferences to what we like and what we want to see. You don't have to be a master chef to know that some food is disgusting. You don't need to be some high-end movie critic to know that some movies are horrible. And you don't need to be some "sex superman" to know that some people just suck at having sex. People here aren't looking for porn star sex but they damn sure want to see more than what this couple can do. Also, they've been here for more than 48 hours, which brings me to my next point. I never understood why people get offended when people criticize a couple. They voluntarily agreed to have their lives open to criticism. OF COURSE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO CRITICIZE THEM, and for whatever reasons they see fit. Now again, personally speaking, I look at the couples for more than just sex, but that doesn't mean I can't acknowledge that their sexual performance is trash. And because, as I stated earlier, that they allowed their home lives to viewed by us, I'm totally within my right to do so. If they can't handle such criticism then they shouldn't have agreed to live in front of the cameras 24/7.
  18. It makes absolutely zero difference. I don't believe in double standards. And I personally don't find her attractive.
  19. All that muscle and can't fuck. Oh well. I'm wondering if she's a dead fish in bed because she doesn't know how to fuck either or if it's because she knows he can't handle it.
  20. Pretty cool isn't it? The way people carried on an entire fucking conversation in the picture thread instead of just taking it in PM...
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