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Everything posted by Buster

  1. All his threads are fucking stupid.
  2. Well then, why don't you go ahead and take it away instead of making a stupid ass thread about doing something you have absolutely no control over?
  3. OR... we can keep camcaps forum open and you can just get the fuck out. Personally, I'd rather go with the 2nd option.
  4. Whatever happened to trying to fix the downloading problem from dirtybin?
  5. At least this seems more realistic than anything else.
  6. Hopefully if Dasha is her usual loud self, it'll inspire the guests to go again. it was fast Correction: Maybe the guests can be loud to inspire Dasha/Demid to go again.
  7. Hopefully if Dasha is her usual loud self, it'll inspire the guests to go again.
  8. Can anyone tell us what Dasha/Demid are doing? They usually like to spy on their guests. Edit: and now looks like round 3 for these two.
  9. Yeah 1st round was pretty quick but looks like they're trying for round 2.
  10. Really surprised no one has mentioned the guests in the living room yet...
  11. So... I'm still waiting for people to give Dasha shit for masturbating the same way they gave Roman shit for doing it.
  12. This is usually the part in all the speculation where someone goes, "hey Dasha! I'm big dumb jack-ass! Let me know you see my posts by putting [insert random object] onto [insert random object]. This will let me know that you secretly want to be friends with me!!!!"
  13. The tennants finding out about CC is not uncommon. But this will only effect one thing; and that's the number of people that will suck up to her and post shit here hoping she reads it. HOPEFULLY this means people won't be so hyper critical of Demid and cause these two a premature departure like Katya/Ruslan. I seriously doubt it though.
  14. Do you guys have favorite videos of the couples; particular vids that you keep going back to? Or do you just have a collection that you choose to "use" at random? My personal favorite is one of Alina's sister getting drilled in the living room in the old apartment. I have a few others from Alina/Anton (from the old apartment) and a handful of Maya/Stepan vids, but I always find myself going back to that one of Alina's sister despite it being shitty quality and having no sound. Such a shame she didn't do more. Another fav of mine is the red dress chick from the first night Efim/Diana moved in.
  15. In regards to sex and CC, I feel like there was more discussion about the actual couples and their relationships in the past, as opposed to now where there is hardlly any discussion because people here are ONLY interested in watching sex. I miss the discussions.
  16. To be honest, things weren't all that different or more exciting back in the days.: It's true that Isabel/Marcelo probably had more sex then any other couple especially in the living room. Her and Alma were the only ones masturbating, especially Alma when her and her boyfriend broke up. More people went ape shit over Nora than any other girl (I personally wasn't a Nora fan), despite her and Kiko having the least sex out of the couples (think Ruslan/Katya except longer dry spell periods). Alina/Anton used to live in another apartment and literally NO ONE gave a shit about them aside from me and maybe 2-3 other people. Now everybody loves them and I couldn't care less about them. There was a bit of a scandal in Lora/Max's place when he fucked another girl in the bedroom while Lora was asleep in the living room. Half the people believed he did it behind Lora's back while the other half believed she knew about it. Also their cat is probably the most famous pet out of all the other pets, if you care about that sort of thing. And finally we had 2 dysfunctional relationships, the lesbians Ana/Danna and the original knife wielding cunt Gia and her boyfriend Ian, both before my time in RLC (I did see a little of Ana/Danna though). Aside from that, nothing was really different back in the day. Back then I was glued to RLC and used to watch them ALL the time. Now I tune in every couple of days just to check in. I don't think "boring" is the right word to use in comparison between now and then. RLC is exciting at first because it's new, but then the allure of it fades and it just becomes ordinary. A new couple will move in and they'll grab everyone's attention for about 18 minutes before they themselves become ordinary (see Efim/Diana). I made a post last year about the same thing right before Valera/Angela moved in talking about how I think I'm officially done with all the couples but here I am still watching and commenting and calling other people out on their shit here.
  17. The fact that you're 47 is irrelevant when you say dumb shit like: Why? Because they don't fuck their girlfriends everyday and you would? Why does it bother you so much that they don't? Is it because you're THAT dependent on their sex lives in order to have one of your own? Or is it because you feel these guys should be at the beck and call of their girlfriends? So you would fuck your girlfriend everyday? Good for you. Who cares? If it's that important to you, get a girl, get in front the camera and fuck her everyday. Then you won't have to think these guys should be fucking shot just for not having sex as often as you would like them to.
  18. Call me a prick if you want but you're probably a immature and sad man-gina that's just bitter that these guys are fucking these "very hot and sexy" women.
  19. Jeez she's such a drunken mess right now crying like a fool.
  20. madwolf, your post is stupid for the simple fact that it's been weeks since they've moved out and yet you insist on mentioning Ruslan's name, and even in other posts. Shut the fuck up about him already. No one gives a shit how you feel about him and your baseless claims about him are old. You sound like an obsessive prick.
  21. She looks plain with or without her glasses.
  22. Why the fuck would anyone put this on youtube? I swear people do really dumb shit sometimes.
  23. Oh can she? Well please provide examples of just how much better she can do.
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