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Everything posted by Buster

  1. Are they starting? All I hear is talking.
  2. I am too. But this wasn't nearly as bad as the living room cam last night. It was a full 30-35 minutes behind the rest of the cams.
  3. It was probably that erikla person posting his shit in the Marta/David thread. He's done that about 2 or 3 times. It's pretty dumb to post a password so openly since it's just going to get shut down.
  4. I beg to differ. I'd say the majority of the guys in the apts DON'T deserve the abuse they get. But so many guys here are so blind to their own bias towards the women that they can't help themselves. I can't even tell you how close I was to laying people out for the unjustified abuse Ruslan got, especially since not a single fucking person was able to provide any shred of proof. At the end I just decided against it because honestly the majority of people here are clueless.
  5. All the people that stayed in Katya/Ruslan's apt has stayed there the shortest amount of time. The 1st couple only stayed 1 month. The 2nd couple stayed about 4 months. Not sure how long K/R stayed but it was less than a year. Alina/Anton are pushing on being the longest couple. They've been there the longest out of the rest of the couples, being there almost 2 years I think. Maybe longer.
  6. Don't know who to blame for this. Seems like we got another Paul on our hands but if she's just gonna lay there and not make any effort then she's just as bad too. A shame too because I like her ass.
  7. That's because the majority of the people that go to nudist colonies are ugly as all fuck. If you had hot girls walking around naked, it'd be a completely different story. And for fuck sakes people, why must you re-quote the entire fucking conversation? So fucking dumb.
  8. uh what? Veronica is still in the living room on my cam.
  9. This guy seems very hands on with her from what I've seen so far.
  10. Can anyone say if their performance was at least better than their abysmal performance last night?
  11. Sucks they kept the television on. Can't hear them in the living room.
  12. Not to sound like an over zealous perv or anything but last night this was around the time they fucked and he was just getting frisky with her.
  13. And what exactly is your point? Fucking someone in the same position over and over is still boring; I don't give a shit how much someone likes it.
  14. I'm happy to see that at least they don't have an annoying pet.
  15. Must he always fuck her in that damn spoon position? She's gonna wind up cheating on him if he doesn't spice things up. Then again, she should fucking say something to him about it.
  16. Someone really should get paid every time one of these threads gets made for this couple.
  17. I'm glad you said something ozi because I would have made a much unfriendly response.
  18. And if they are in the bedroom are they hiding under covers?
  19. Your guess is as good as anyone else's, unless it's a really stupid guess.
  20. I'm a fan of her ass. Hopefully she knows how to use it. I'm not a fan of fake tits but as long as they don't look absurd then I can't complain. Of course I'll reserve my judgment until I actually see her and the chemistry of the relationship.
  21. You also don't live in front of cameras 24/7. Is that Obama's fault too?
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